Backlinks serve a great purpose as a SEO tool and can increase your ranking on search engines. However, they won’t do anything for your website unless they are indexed.
There is a variety of reasons why your backlinks are not being indexed. First, you need to ensure your content is unique. If you are spinning articles or copying content, you are not going to be indexed as quickly. Also, high quality articles are going to increase your credibility. Second, backlinks need to come from credible platforms. If you are using spam platforms, you are not going to get indexed quickly, or at all.
Third, some websites are no-index pages, or they give a page a no-index tag. If this happens, there is nothing you can do which is unfortunate. However, there are ways to check this before, such as using the “Inspect Element” on Chrome.
Ways to Get Your Backlinks Indexed
If none of these apply to your backlinks, then there are ways to index it. Here are some tips and tricks to make it happen!
1. Submit Your Links to Google
Instead of waiting for Google to find your backlinks, you can use tools to submit URLs directly to Google. You can use this anytime a backlink for your website is created. Once you submit the backlink, Google will index it as fast as they can. IT could take some time, or it could only take a few minutes!
2. Use a Pinging Service
Many web developers have heard of pinging services. These services help you by going to the page you indicate and “pinging” them. Once they have pinged the page, Google, and other search engines, will crawl the page, and it will be indexed. When the services ping a website, it tells the search engines there is a new update to your blog. There are some free pinging services, such as Pingomatic. They are very easy to use; all you have to do is submit the URL to the service and allow them to do their job! It is little work for you, but it creates great results.
3. Hop on Twitter
Search engines are depending on social media more frequently than ever before. Using Twitter is a great way to index your backlinks in a natural manner. Whenever you update your blog or you are mentioned in another article, tweeting the URL will help Google index it rather quickly. However, don’t go back and tweet all of your backlinks. This will cause the negative effect and may ruin you Twitter account. Search engines may view it as spam.
4. Paid Tools
If you are struggling to get all of your backlinks indexed, using a paid tool may make the process easier for you. Ultimately, the most important goal is to get your backlinks indexed so your search engine ranking increases, which will drive more traffic to your website.
5. Wait a Week
You could also wait for indexing to occur naturally. After a week, you could take further action to make sure they are found. Google finds a good percentage of backlinks when left on its own. However, it may take longer than you desire to wait.
6. Google Webmasters
This is an awesome tool to use for your website. Google Webmasters (also known as Google Search Console) gives you a list of all the links to your site. While it has a significant learning curve, it can help you find backlinks you may have missed. There are also other backlink checkers available to use.
Remember, backlinks aren’t crucial for your SEO. Backlinks and indexing the backlinks are very important for SEO and your search engine ranking.