Instagram – love it or hate it, with over 800 million subscribers, the one thing that you cannot do is to ignore it. According to Statista, the number of users has increased almost tenfold since 2013. And there is no indication that this growth will slow down anytime soon.
This massive influx of users made Instagram one of the top social media platforms globally and a strong favorite amongst marketers.
But is it an effective marketing tool?
After all, it is not like Facebook where you can create a link to a promo. Are users really going to buy through the platform or because they saw something on it?
According to Forbes, the answer is a resounding “Yes.” Around 72% of users surveyed said that they had bought a product because they saw a picture of it on Instagram. The same number of users admitted that seeing the photos on the platform would encourage them to buy.
The study also revealed that nine out of ten subscribers use the platform to help them make their buying decision.
So, clearly, the site is an excellent tool for marketers to use. It is a great place to showcase your goods perfectly in front of a good percentage of users who are willing to shop.
So, the real question is how to create the perfect Instagram feed.
Let’s have a look.
Complete Your Profile
Completing your profile gives you a chance to explain something about the brand and, more importantly, is the only place that you are allowed to post a link. A lot of people that create an Instagram account neglect their profile page.
Think of it as a digital business card – you want to make a great and lasting impression, don’t you? Give a little information about the company and what it does. Post a link to your website, make the users feel welcomed.
Choose Your Grid Layout
There are a few different alternatives. Take some time to think about which would work best for the kinds of posts you want to make.
Select Your Theme
Your brand image will dictate to a large extent what this theme should be. Think about what kind of vibe you want to create for users following your feed. For example, if you are an artist, creating a fun and funky vibe going could be the best option.
If, on the other hand, you were selling insurance, you would want a more professional feed.
Still battling to figure it out? Find two or three things that your company is passionate about and see what you can come up from that angle.
The benefit of having a set theme is that it reinforces your brand message and creates consistency across the board.
Don’t Use Hundreds Of Filters
Tying your photos together can be very difficult if you use a different filter each time. Rather, make sure that you take great photos and ditch the filters altogether. If you must use them, use only one. Have some fun choosing a filter that best suits your unique aesthetic! But if you need some inspiration, our friends over at Instasize recommend some of theirfavorite filters to make your photos stand out.
Plan Your Posts
You want your feed to look harmonious and interesting. So, posting pictures of the exact same type of item three or four times in a row is boring and could look unprofessional and sloppy. Create a rhythm, a strategy for posting so that you can tell a visual story to your followers.
Say, you are a fashion designer. Instead of posting pictures of ten different skirts consecutively, rather post elements of the whole outfit.
So, a skirt on day one, a top on day two, then the shoes, then the handbag, and the maybe accessories. This makes the feed look more balanced and interesting.
Also, consider which photos are going to end up next to each other. The photos should seem to flow from one to the next, without clashing with one another.
Do the colors work together harmoniously? Are the images thematically united?
To make this easier for you, you can use the same two or three colors in the background all the time. That way, you know that there will always be something that ties your photos together.
Keep Your Photo Editing Consistent
When cropping photos, always use the same shape and preferably the same size as well. If you are going to use a border, stick to one or two borders on all your photos.
Get The Lightning
If at all possible, use natural lighting. This will help your products to look at their absolute best, displaying great details. If natural light is not an option, make sure that the object is well lit so that people can see exactly what you are offering.
Top Quality Pictures
Instagram is all about the pictures. Get this aspect wrong, and your campaign will never get off the ground. You don’t have to spend hours in Photoshop, but do take some effort to create well composed, high-resolution images that are sharp and interesting.
Ditch any photos that are incorrectly exposed, blurry, or just plain boring. This is especially important if you are posting pictures of a product that you are selling. If the photo doesn’t show the item properly, then people might wonder what you are trying to hide.
People Like To Fit In
Can you get a picture that shows someone using the product?
Choose models that are similar in age to the people in your ideal target market. The models should show off the item to best advantage. Say, for example, that you are selling a kitchen knife. Show them in the kitchen cutting with it.
Just make sure that the item can be seen well.
When used properly, Instagram can help to boost sales and increase brand awareness. The platform is still growing and its users are avid shoppers. Make sure to spend some time planning your photo campaign, and you can reap the multiple benefits of this visually engaging social network.