Grandparents are undoubtedly the best, they always have the best stories, the best snacks, and the best excuses for letting you stay up well past bedtime, as well as giving you money every visit. It is also comes to no surprise that they are also the best when it comes to traveling too. Whether it’s roaming the globe or taking a long weekend away, if you happen to be going away with your grandparents then here is a handy guide to know what you will always need.
There have been many laws that have changed as before October 1998 children could be included on a parent or guardian’s passport however now day all children must have their own passport to travel abroad. Always ensure you have a valid passport to travel with as well as an up-to-date European Health Insurance Card, you will also need to get travel insurance too. An EHIC will ensure you can seek medical attention, but as your grandparents will advise you also need travel insurance in case your flights or even hotel has been cancelled.
First Aid Kits
Grandparents will always ensure your safety and well-being comes first. This is why you will find that they pack a first aid kit plus insect repellent and antihistamine cream for bites, which can be painful and annoying. Other essentials you may find are dehydration sachets which can be useful if the sunshine becomes too much. They will always bring wet wipes no matter what age you are as they can be great for anti-bacterial purposes as well as wiping your hands on long journeys.
No Busy Schedules
No matter where you happen to be traveling to in Europe with your grandparents they won’t even try to do Rome in a day, or anywhere else for that matter. Grandparents understand that sometimes taking a nap in the heat is better than sightseeing. Grandparents also realise that recharging those legs and your batteries is important before having another big adventure the next day. The vast majority of grandparents probably won’t be that clued up when it comes to social media like Pinterest which is perfect as they will actually ask others for recommendations on what you can do on your holiday, instead of pinning it.
Won’t Get Lost
Nowadays we all seem to think that our smartphones and Satnav’s know the way. Even though there have been countless times when technology fails us. Which is why, going traveling with grandparents is better than expected they aren’t afraid to ask for directions when they need them, nor are they unwilling to start a conversation with a friendly location. When you go on holiday with grandparents you will find that you never get lost as they can also read a map. Sometimes there is nothing better than sitting down and figuring out where you are going with a good old mad, and a pen to outline where you need to go.