Travel and living

Locked Out Again? The Top Methods for Getting Back Inside with No Issue

locked outEveryone has been there—it's an off day and you just so happen to waltz out the door with no keys in hand. Whether you left them lying on the counter or they fell between the couch cushions when you weren't looking, you are still stuck outside with no car keys, no house keys, and no dignity. What should you do? Instead of panicking or resolving to sit on the steps and cry, here are a few of the best tips for getting back inside in enough time to help you make it to work before the start of your shift.

General and Helpful Tips

  • First of all, don't panic. It may already be difficult to get inside, so you want to be sure your mind is clear enough to think through all of your options.
  • Always check the front and back door. Just because you forgot your keys does not necessarily mean you remembered to lock the door. Check each door before making any assumptions because your problem may be solved as easily as turning a knob.
  • Don't be afraid to elicit help from the neighbors. A lot of people are apprehensive about asking their neighbors for help out of embarrassment, but oftentimes they can sometimes provide some of the most helpful equipment. Check to see if they have any of the tools you may need, or even an at-home locksmith kit as well. They may even offer other tips that you may not have thought of.
  • Try to prepare ahead of time and keep a spare key in a not-so-obvious place located outside the front or back door. This can help eliminate a little bit of stress if this situation happens again and help you skip every other innovative step altogether.

Use the Windows

The first and most popular method of getting into your home is to utilize the windows. Be sure and check all of the windows that you have easy access to and check to see if one got left unlocked. Likewise, if you have windows built into your door you can use a flat-head screwdriver to maneuver the window out of its setting and reach in to unlock the door. This may damage the window; however it is usually cheaper to replace a window slot than an entire lock if you damage it.

Use the Garage

Oftentimes, getting in through the garage may be another method, and if your garage has an electronic pass code to get inside, this should be your first go-to since those are very easy to get into. If it is more of a manual, you can use a coat-hanger to break into the garage door. Stretch the rod out as far as you can and hook it on the end, then try inserting it into the top of the garage to trigger the manual latch that releases the door. This may not work on all types of garages, but on others, it may be very simple.

Use a Plastic Card


This is an age-old trick that always comes in handy. First off, use a hard plastic card that you are not worried about scratching up or damaging, and something that can be easily replaced (specifically not a credit card or license). This method is a bit more difficult and may take a little maneuvering, and in the end it may end up breaking the card and still leaving you with a locked door. Slip the card in-between the door and the frame and try to trigger the triangular spring-bolt inside the lock in order to help the knob turn.

Call a Locksmith

When all else fails, contact a locksmith in your area. If you don't have time to wait on your spouse or whoever it is who has a spare key, try locating the best locksmith in your area. If you live in Toronto for example, you may consider Greater Toronto Locksmith. Locksmiths may be pricy, but they are likely the best possible method to ensure that you do not damage any part of your door or lock.

Locking yourself out of the house is never a fun experience, but there are many innovative ways that can help you get inside in a pinch. These methods are not fool-proof, but they do offer options to help make your experience easier and potentially offer help to get you out of a frustrating situation. It is best to educate yourself on these tips and tricks to help ensure you the best possible outcome if and when this situation happens to you.

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