Travel and living

Last minute holiday vs. Advance booking

When you’re planning a holiday, there are lots of tips and tricks that people may consider to try and cut costs. Whether you’re a last-minute holiday goer or if you’d rather plan your trip in advance, there are ways to cut the fee – and there are pros and cons to both. Particularly if you’re backpacking around somewhere like Australia and visiting a number of different locations, it’s important to work out what is cheaper. Luckily, thanks to online platforms it’s easy to compare hotel prices for both advance and last minute bookings – so you’ll have a rough idea of cost whichever way you choose to travel.

So what are the pros and cons of a last-minute holiday? Depending just how late you leave booking your break, you could be at risk of missing out on the destination you desire. Many years ago, you could turn up to the airport and book onto a flight, but these days flights get booked up so quickly, this kind of last-minute action just isn’t possible.

Another problem could be that the price of the booking has skyrocketed. Usually, though, if you’ve left it late, you will be able to find some last-minute deals. This isn’t always a foolproof plan, and as already stated, you could put yourself at risk of a price increase. Waiting until the eleventh hour is definitely a gamble, but if you do find a good deal, it can be worth it. Backpackers can often benefit from testing out the last-minute system for hotels because walk-ins are likely to save a lot of money if they have any rooms left for that evening.

There are clear cons when it comes to last-minute bookings, particularly if you’re restricted on when or where you want to go. For instance, those who can only go away during the school holidays are unlikely to find a bargain deal, so it’s vital to book those in advance. Similarly, it’s important to remember that not all holidays will become cheaper, so if you find it at a good price, it’s worth booking there and then, unless you’re happy to gamble on price and location.

Booking in advance gives you more scope to check deals and make sure you’re getting the best price available. If you book it far enough in advance, it’s likely that you’ll be able to get it down to the price it would be last-minute. Something to also consider when you’re hoping for a specific room or requirements is that you’re more likely to get what you’re hoping for if you book it in advance.

A top tip to get great deals on your holiday, is to sign up to airline newsletters. This is because it’s the best way to find out about any upcoming sales – it’ll be useful to receive information from a wide range of locations to discover where you can get a bargain.

There are pros and cons for both methods, and whether you book in advance or wait until the last minute to try and get a better deal all depends on your attitude to risk and your personal circumstances.

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