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The Rhinos in The Kruger Park

As the third-largest land mammal, the rhino is an integral part of the Kruger Park safari experience. However, the unprecedented number of rhinos being poached owing to a demand for their horns in Asian countries such as Vietnam means that they’re facing extinction. This article examines the differences between South […]

Travel and living

Fun Things To Do In Chamonix, France

In the foothills of Mont Blanc, the tallest mountain in Western Europe, the alpine town of Chamonix attracts people from all over the world with its charming atmosphere and spectacular scenery. The town has one of the highest cable cars worldwide. The climbing, walking, hiking and skiing are excellent and provide the […]


Heat Pump Vs. Furnace: Which Is Better?

While much of the year, heating is not considered a major problem for those of us in the south, when winter rolls around and temperature starts to drop, the question of how to heat your home becomes an important one. In the modern world, efficiency and keeping costs down is […]

Travel and living

What to Do in Chicago

Chicago is easily one of the best known cities in the United States of America - and rightfully so. Known as the Windy City, its claim to fame not only lies on once being the home city of the legendary Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls, it also boasts of […]


Christmas Gift Ideas for Friends and Family

Christmas is a period of peace and love that is best marked with the exchange of gifts among loved ones. Without gifts, Christmas can be said to be incomplete! Through gifts, you are able to convey your love, care and concern for your loved ones. A Christmas gift is unique […]


What to Consider When Installing Shade Sails

There are a number of very important factors that you need to take into consideration when planning your shade sails' structure. The right planning steps will ensure that the structure performs the way it should. Start by having the area in mind which you wish to fully cover with the […]


Common Sources of Indoor Air Pollution

Air quality is important to the longevity of an individual's health and well-being. Unsafe conditions or polluted areas of habitation affect sleeping patterns, energy levels, and long-term efficiencies. If you're looking to create an atmosphere for success and healthy development, make sure you're paying attention to the devices and products […]