The arrival of a baby is a blessing to any family. You want to provide your child with the best this world has to offer. Safety needs to be a priority because when babies start crawling and walking, it could pose serious risks. You need to prepare your house first by babyproofing it. These are some simple ways to get started now.
Start with the potential danger zones
You can work your way from the obvious danger spots to the less visible areas. The most common methods include padding sharp corners and gating of staircases. You also need to cover power outlets.
Check if the toys can be a choking hazard
Babies do not know what the risks are with the things they play with and would not mind putting anything in their mouth. If you want to test if a toy is a choking hazard, you can get a toilet paper tube. If the toy fits in it, you need to throw it away as it is small enough to fit in a child’s mouth.
Crawl like a baby
As babies crawl most of the time, they can only reach what they can see. You need to start crawling too to see all the things that are within the baby’s eye level. Keep anything out of reach if it could pose serious risks. If your baby learns to stand and walk, you need to make adjustments too. Be cautious of breakable items and pointed objects that are lying on the floor.
Have one drawer within your child’s reach
You might want to keep all the drawers out of your baby’s reach. The problem is that they start becoming curious at some point. The moment they learn to stand, they will open any drawer they can find. Imagine if your baby reaches the kitchen where you store your utensils. The best option is to have a drawer that they can reach. The drawer can contain toys and other objects that are safe for them to play with. In doing so, you answer their curiosity regarding the use of drawers, and they will stop there.
Change the layout of your living room
You need to be particular with the overall design of the living room. For instance, you need to keep your chairs away from the windows. Your child might reach that area, open the window and fall.
Make it impossible to open bottles and other containers
The best way to keep dangerous cleaning products and other agents away from your child is to have them beyond their reach. In case those items get into their hands, you will feel less worried if the containers are impossible to open.
Keep your house clean
Nothing beats a clean house if your goal is to welcome a baby. Remove clutter all over the place since all of it could be a potential hazard. Regularly take out the trash since it might start smelling terrible and negatively affect sensitive babies. Better yet, check out for their services.
You want to give your baby only the best, but before you start dreaming big, you need to start by keeping the house safe for your baby.