Houses are getting smaller, there's no doubt about it, and when it comes to finding a place to keep all your "stuff", it's definitely a problem that many homeowners have. So looking for the best storage solutions is something many of us are interested in. Without these innovations, chances are many houses would be full to the brim with piles and piles of collected items. Here we give some tips and advice on keeping your home clutter free and optimizing the space you have.
Be Ruthless
Do you really NEED everything that is in your home? One of the things that few people consider is that they just have too much stuff. Looking in your built in wardrobes, can you find items of clothing you haven't worn in a few years? Do you really need them? Will you wear them again? Do they even fit? Spend some time every 3 months or so going through your clothes, and making sure they all fit and that you want to keep them. The rest, you can either sell on auction sites or donate to charity. You'll have money in your pocket or a good feeling in your heart and your bursting at the seams wardrobe will be able to breathe easier too!
It's the same with keepsakes. Although it's nice to keep every single piece of work your kids bring home, there are better solutions. For pictures, scan them into your computer and keep them on a memory stick or separate drive so that you never lose them. Simple idea, but it saves having every cupboard in the home crammed full of precious pictures. You can do a similar thing with greeting cards too!
Consider an e-reader
Rather than collecting books that get read and then lie discarded on bookshelves, consider instead purchasing an e-reader. They have storage space for many a novel, and you're more likely to be able to take enough reading material on holiday with you without having to think about extra weight of books in your suitcase too. Give your books to charity or sell them online, and just keep the ones that matter to you such as signed or first editions.
I've got rid of what I can, but there's still no space!
Of course all this helps you get rid of stuff, but what happens if the items you want to keep just don't look tidy? Here's where you need to look at how you store items. For clothing and large items of bedding that you won't be wearing for a few months, then it's well worth getting vacuum bags and making them as small as possible to store in the months you're not going to use them. You can fit these storage bags under the bed or in the loft, then get them out when you really need to use them again.
The biggest change you can make though is getting custom built wardrobes. These optimize the space you have and gift you a raft of storage solutions you'd never have normally been able to have. Whether it's a loft room, or a hall stairs and landing cupboard or simply a bedroom, you should definitely consider built in wardrobes as the ultimate space saving solutions. If you're looking for a brand that will last, we suggest SKON Design, who supplies custom built wardrobes in Dublin and the area around it. They provide a wide range of solutions, perfect for fitting pretty much anything you want inside, and the best thing is, you'll be able to keep so much more of your favourite things, without your home looking cramped and cluttered!