Gas heaters represent the new wave of home heating options sweeping through the market today. While wood heaters are still a popular choice, gas heaters have some significant advantages that you cannot ignore.
Ever since the invention of the fireplace- Romans bakers first attached flues to indoor firepits to vent smoke -burning wood has been the predominant method of providing warmth in the homestead. New technologies and inventions coupled with the discovery and development of different energy sources have opened up the pool of heating options. If recent trends continue as they are, it looks like gas heaters may surpass wood heaters as the preferred heating method.
Some of the principal advantages to using a gas heater include:
Natural gas production is not as demanding of resources like electricity or wood. Figures show that about seventy per cent of electricity is lost between the production site and your home. That means only thirty per cent of the electricity generated gets to the end-user. Compare that to natural gas, which loses only ten per cent to production.
Therefore, in terms of production efficiency, gas edges out electricity, making it suitable for the environment overall.
Environmentally Advantageous
Tied into production is the eco-friendly nature of gas when used for heating. Just as production is more efficient and better for the environment, so is its distribution.
Gas is channelled into homes through underground pipes. These pipes connect the house directly to the source, so there is no need to erect poles every few feet or build transformers. With their placement underground, gas pipes also have better protection from the elements. While adverse weather conditions may interrupt electricity supply, gas supplies do not necessarily have to be affected.
Compared to electric heaters, gas heaters are indisputably longer lasting. Most electric heaters have an estimated lifetime of eight years, while those using gas can remain viable for up to twenty years. This boon makes gas furnaces ideal for those looking for longevity.
The cost to run a gas heater differs significantly from the electric and wood alternatives. Gas is cheaper than electricity, so it costs less to run a gas heater than an electric one. Conversely, buying wood can become expensive, especially if shortages of wood or inefficiencies lead you to use more wood each time. The only time this is a concern with gas heaters is with older models. Advances in technology have made newer designs more energy efficient.
Better Aesthetics
Gas heaters offer homeowners the chance to retain the rustic look of conventional wood ovens while upgrading to a better appliance. They are adaptable and can even be installed in the same place where a wood heater existed without making drastic changes.
Better Health
Natural gas burns ‘more cleanly’ than wood. Using a gas heater reduces the number of emissions into your home. Unlike burning wood, there is less risk of carbon monoxide being released into your home through an active gas heater as long as it is well maintained.
Gas heaters are the ultimate appliance to give you what you need in the most conscientious way possible. Their benefits edge out wood and electric furnaces in the most fundamental aspects, including efficiency, running costs and better health. The primary concern with this implement is that its installation costs are higher than electricity and wood. However, they cost less to run over a more extended period, meaning the net gain is more.
Speak to your local heating professionals about installing and maintaining a gas heater in your home. You will soon be able to enjoy warm, cosy moments curled up in the warmth provided by your new heater.