Winter is a time of rest for plants. Flowers and grasses die, and trees lose their leaves, which can leave your yard looking sparse and bare. However, there are some simple things that you can do to allow your landscape to look beautiful all year round.
Choosing Trees
There are two ways that trees can add interest to your winter landscape. First, choose some trees with interesting shapes, textures, or bark. Most trees lose their leaves in the fall, but you can use this to your advantage. Dogwoods and birches look beautiful in a winter landscape. Red Osier Dogwood has bright red to burgundy colored bark, which looks breathtaking against a snowy backdrop.
Of course, you can’t go wrong with some evergreen trees, either. Evergreens stay beautiful all year round, and they add some color to your landscape. Not all evergreens are actually green, either. Blue Spruce and Gold Thread false cypress look beautiful and add more color than just green to your yard.
Berries are an essential part of your winter landscape for two reasons. First, they add color. Holly, Bayberry, and American Cranberry Bush are a few plants that yield bright red berries that look magnificent in a winter landscape.
However, it isn’t just the berries that bring color into your yard. Many berries make a good meal for birds or other animals. Enticing animals into your yard adds a different kind of interest, but one that is no less valuable.
Your hardscaping will stand out much more during winter than any other season. Arbors, benches, decorative wells, and even trellises can help add interest to your yard. Statues and sculptures can also help add interest and a pop of color just when you need it most. Winter is the best time to add new hardscape features, because it’s easier to see where the features are needed.
Colorful Containers
Pots and containers stand out much more in the wintertime. However, choosing brightly colored or visually interesting containers can be a great way to add more interest to your winter landscape.
Perennial Plants and Grasses
Some perennial plants and grasses will continue to have foliage all year round. A few of these plants can keep your garden beds from looking desolate after your other plants have gone for the year. Plume grass can grow very tall, which will keep it from being covered by snow in the winter time. Lenten roses begin blooming in January. When they stop blooming in March, other flowers are beginning to bloom, making them a perfect winter perennial. Rosa Rugoso is another interesting winter perennial. It is a large shrub that blooms in the fall. After it blooms, you are left with large hips that resemble tomatoes. It’s a unique way to add interest to your winter landscape.
Your winter landscape doesn’t have to be dreary and dull, and you don’t have to wait until spring to enjoy your garden again. These winter landscape tips will help keep your property looking beautiful all year long. You can also contact the Neave Group for more help with your winter landscape.