If truth be told, food waste is a major problem nowadays and even your best possible efforts to make use of everything in the refrigerator can’t help it. Things like coffee grounds and oyster shells are meant for the garbage can, except you’ll find a way to use them up.
Here, in this article, I’m going to tell you how to use food scraps for eco-friendly gardening that will save your time and money.
The first and the foremost eco-friendly gardening hack is the use of eggshells to start seeds on your kitchen table. Eggshells acts as a perfect sized planting vessel on the initial basis. Don’t forget to make a small drainage hole with the help of a pin in the bottom before putting seeds and soil. You can use egg cartons as a convenient tray to store eggshell starters until planting time. After some time, crack the bottom of the egg in order for the roots to escape ahead of planting in the ground directly. That’s not the only use of eggshells by the way. You can scatter crushed eggshells around the base of plants to get rid of the snail or slug problem. As a matter of fact, these pests don’t like crawling on the sharp eggshell pieces.
Banana Peels:
One more eco-friendly gardening hack is the use of banana peels to prevent aphid infestations. Cut banana peels into small pieces and let them decompose at the base of plants. It also benefits plants by providing potassium and phosphorous to the soil. Potassium is essential for the key plant functions such as transpiration, respiration and nutrient absorption, while phosphorous spurs plant maturity and promotes root growth. Particularly, roses will benefit from these nutrients, so put banana peel pieces into their roots. Don’t worry about the insect problem.
Oyster Shells:
Do you know that oyster shells consist of 95 percent of calcium carbonate? Yes, that’s true! This is why oyster shells are at times used as an alternative in organic fertilizer for a soil adjustment that contains loads of calcium that usually comes from limestone. Provide your plants a calcium boost by crushing and mixing oyster shells into the soil. It also balances out pH of the soil as calcium is alkaline. For instance, if you’re growing tomatoes, lack of calcium can cause blossom-end rot. It is the time when the tomato plant starts getting brown and become rancid. You can prevent this problem by adding crushed oyster shells while planting. You can also keep slugs away by sprinkling large oyster shell pieces around the base of the plants.
Orange Peel:
If you’re an organic gardener, then Aphids are a major problem. But you can fix this anomaly by putting banana peels around the base of the affected plants. Citrus peels contain Limonene, which is a major component of the oil that destroys the aphids’ outer coating (waxy) and cause them to suffocate.
Avocado Seeds:
Can you believe that you can grow an avocado tree at home as well? But, there’s a trick to do so. You have to plant the pit. Since avocado plant takes around 5 to 12 years to actually see any fruit, so the key ingredient here is patience. Meanwhile, you can enjoy the beautiful tree in your home.
Coffee Grounds:
When it comes to the coffee grounds, they will give your plants some added nitrogen. It is a component of chlorophyll, which is vital for photosynthesis. Moreover, you can also them for mulching. Try to make sure that you aren’t layering the ground too thick as it prevent air and water from penetrating to the roots. Here, choosing the best zero turn mower for hills works out best. Scattered coffee grounds can also deter slugs and snails.
Lettuce Hearts:
Do you know that it’s possible to regrow a used-up lettuce by putting the heart in a cup or jar along with a ½ inch of water. Now place the jar on a shelf where it can get lots of light and change the water after a couple of days.When the lettuce heart starts sprouting, now transfer it to a pot filled with soil to get added nutrients.