For many parents, it can be difficult to know what to do when a child becomes injured and is suffering from pain. From sprains to falls, there are a number of injuries that are prone to take place when kids play outside or are participating in sports. To provide the proper care to an injured child and be prepared, there are a few important steps to take.
Avoid Moving Your Child
Parents are prone to wanting to move their child after an accident occurs by hugging the kid and providing comfort when they’re hurting. However, this can increase the severity of the injury and cause them to suffer from more pain during the process. You’ll need to avoid moving the child or lifting them up unless they’re in a location that can threaten their safety.
Check for Breathing
Check to see if your child is breathing immediately after they become injured. You may need to perform CPR if they don’t respond to your questions or are capable of moving their fingers and hands in different directions. If the child doesn’t respond to the CPR and begins breathing, call 911 to obtain immediate medical assistance from professionals who can respond to the scene in a timely manner.
Visit the Emergency Room
Many injuries require immediate medical assistance, which will require you to visit the emergency room for a proper evaluation. The child may need to undergo x-rays to look for any underlying damage that took place with the injury. This can offer peace of mind to parents and also ensure that the child receives the proper medication to aid in the healing process and alleviate any pain that they’re experiencing.
You can be prepared ahead of time for injuries by carrying the child’s medical information with you at all times to ensure that you have the necessary items to visit the emergency room.
Look for Signs for Head Trauma
Head injuries are extremely dangerous and can threaten the well-being of the child, making it important to look for signs of trauma. This includes temporary loss of consciousness, slurred speech, and loss of balance after they suffer from an accident. If the child suffers from a concussion, they’ll need to be seen by a medical professional in one to two days if worrisome signs continue to develop following the incident.
Stay Calm
Children are prone to modeling the behavior of their parents, making it important to remain calm when your child is hurt. Although you may be experiencing stress after the injury occurs, you’ll need to avoid causing a scene or becoming emotional while treating your child and examining the affected area. If you become panicked, your child will also begin to worry, which can quickly escalate the situation and make it difficult to obtain medical assistance sooner. Use a soothing tone while caring for the child and control your own stress by being prepared ahead of time.
Contact a Nurse
When obtaining health insurance, look for a policy that includes 24-hour access to a nurse when you have questions or concerns. This will allow you to obtain medical assistance and guidance over the phone instead of making a visit to the local hospital. You’ll have the chance to ask about the proper treatment that may be needed for the child to determine if they need to be evaluated.
Use a First Aid Kit
Parents can prepare for injuries by having a first aid kit on hand to provide the right level of care to their child minutes after an accident occurs. This will allow you to treat cuts in an effective timeframe to control the bleeding and offer relief to the child. Keep a first aid kit in your home and car to ensure that you have the necessary items to help your child recover from the incident.