
Video Games and the Future of our Children

stream-video-to-apple-tvVideo games have transformed over time especially with the advent of smartphones. Smartphones allow gamers to play from anywhere. Despite this, video game consoles are still the most popular option for video gaming according to a thought-provoking article that you can read here. Due to recent innovations in technology, parents have growing concerns that smartphones are causing their children to be more plugged into gaming than ever before. While children may be spending more time gaming, there are many life skills that can be gained from playing video games that are often overlooked by concerned parents.

Video Games Teach Players How to Collaborate

Many video games require communication with other players and even collaboration. Games that require players to work as a team allow players to work together to achieve a common goal or mission. The same level of collaboration and teamwork from playing sports can be found in video gaming as well.

Certain video games even require teams to come up with extensive group strategies. This allows children to cooperate and select leaders to create complex plans. Additionally, gamers may experience a sense of belonging when they are on a team, which fosters positive interactions and connectedness. Overall, collaboration is an important life skill which can be learned from gaming.

Video Games Promote Quick Problem Solving

Most video games are fast paced and require players to think quickly and accurately in order to survive and obtain their objectives. In order to win in gaming, players need to exercise problem-solving skills and execute solid strategies. Video game players have the opportunity to learn how to make decisions under pressure. Problem-solving is a life skill that is invaluable and will allow youth to grow up to be more efficient decision makers.

Video Games Enhance Creativity and Imagination

Creativity needs to be fostered on a consistent basis. Video games allow youth to practise being creative and exercise their imagination. The detailed world that they explore in video games allows them to take their imagination to another level. They can also engage in perspective taking as they completely immerse themselves in gaming characters' lives. The opportunity to see life from another perspective may foster empathy and help with real life interactions. Moreover, the imagination is the key to creating new innovations and producing creative ideas.

What it All Means

Video games can help youth gain important life skills that will help them in their personal lives and in their careers. While parents do have some valid concerns about how often their children may be gaming, there are plenty of solutions available including minimising and regulating game time. Parents may also benefit from talking with their children about gaming and listening to what they like about it. Most of the time, children enjoy being heard and sharing the special aspects of their games. Parents have a unique opportunity to help their children see the practical benefits from gaming and show them how the skills apply to life.

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