
Spending Time with Family during the Christmas Season

Xmas-family-dinnerApproximately 94 million Americans travel during the Christmas season, according to AAA. Many of these people travel to visit family members they rarely see. People who want to enjoy the time with their relatives can do a number of things to make Christmas fun and free from stress.

Before Christmas

Those who are expecting overnight guests for Christmas will find it helpful to make a number of preparations for Christmas ahead of time. If they are sending Christmas cards, they can try to mail them early in December. They can buy gifts and wrap them several weeks ahead of time. This will allow them to avoid wrapping gifts for house guests at the last minute. They will also be able to mail gifts that are going out of town in plenty of time to reach their destination by Christmas. New Christmas outfits can be bought early to avoid the crowds who shop close to Christmas. Shoppers who want to avoid crowds in the grocery stores can try to buy food for Christmas at times when the stores are likely to be less crowded.

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Many families who attend church as part of their Christmas festivities attend church on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Day. Part of the Christmas Eve celebration is frequently a family dinner after church. Families who want a dinner that requires no work may want to go out to dinner. They can also prepare food ahead of time that will be easy to serve when they return from church.

People who have family members arriving on Christmas may find it easier to plan to serve the main meal when they arrive and not plan to serve it at a specific time. The travelers will appreciate not feeling as if they need to rush to arrive at a certain time.

Christmas Day can be spent playing with new toys. Children who live in parts of the United States with warm weather can try out new bikes or skates. Those who live in colder places can gather around the fireplace to tell stories or play games. Small children will enjoy having an older family member read their new books to them.


After Christmas

Families with small children will want to do things that children will enjoy during their Christmas vacation. Places for family outings in cold climates the day after Christmas include aquariums and children’s museums. People who want to enjoy a winter day outdoors can try out new sleds or skis. If families live in a place with warmer temperatures, they can try out new sports equipment in the backyard or a park. Those who live in tropical climates can spend time at the beach. Families who want to continue celebrating Christmas can tour neighborhoods or small towns that are decorated for Christmas. Nibbling on Christmas leftovers while they watch a Christmas movie is a great way for a family to end the day after Christmas.

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