So you left her. The breakup was messy and wild and you said a lot of things you didn't mean. After some soul-searching and dating a bunch of lackluster women, you have come to the realization that letting her go was the biggest mistake you could ever make. You want her back in your life and the good news is that it may not be too late to rekindle your love with her. However, this doesn't mean you act rashly and make mediocre moves. There is a step-by-step process you need to follow and that's outlined below:
- Take some time apart
Seems like the most difficult part, but it is also an important one. Breakups are emotionally taxing and both of you need time to calm down, breathe and look at everything logically. It gives you both the time to evaluate your feelings for each other and for you to see if you do really want her back or it was just in the moment.
- Focus on you
Take this time to focus on you. Enjoy your life as a single guy by going out with your friends and joining the gym. Get a new style or even adopt a new hobby. A guy with his own life is way sexier than a guy who is moping around.
- Understand why she left
If you really do want her back, you have to understand why she left. No girl is going to take you back if you don't know what you did wrong. Thing back and see if there were any signs. What did she say to you before the breakup? She must have dropped hints about what she did or didn't like.
- Reach out to her
It's time to get back in touch if you still want to get her back. You need to keep it light and playful, regardless of the method you choose. Don't go for something heavy. Being breezy is the key.
- Meet her
It will be overwhelming for you when you see her for the first time after the breakup, but you need to keep it cool and casual. Meet up with her for coffee or lunch just like you would do with a friend. Don't do anything grand as it comes off as needy. Keep it fun and light.
- Continue meeting casually
Make these casual meetings regular. You need to insinuate yourself in her life to make her realize she still likes you and has feelings for you. She needs to see the new you and become attracted.
- Go for it
Now she is primed. You need to open up and tell her you have realized and accepted your mistakes. Show her that you have made an effort to change what she didn't like and that you were really listening. She needs to see that you have grown and become a better person.
This is bound to make her fall for you again, especially if she was having second thoughts. You just need to do the work to make sure she doesn't leave again. A YouTube video will be further helpful for you in this regard.
I have never go back with an EX BF. I think that you leave them there is a reason for it and you must not double your mistake 🙂