

4 Tips For Better Relationships

Relationships with those dear to us add meaning and value to our lives, so it's important to support and grow those relationships with our friends, partners and families. Over the years, the initial connection and relationship we may have had with those dear to us can fall apart a bit […]


Internet Dating in Our Later Years

People often associate online dating with the younger generation, but the truth is that there are many of us in our later years who are also looking for companionship. Life is complicated and a lot of people end up being single in their 50's, and this can be due to […]


9 Questions To Ask A Guy On A First Date?

First dates can be horribly awkward. You picked out an amazing restaurant, the music is lovely and the food is divine, but the silence is ruining everything. Each bite of into the ravioli is interrupted by awkward smiles and glances at everyone else but your date. Here are a few questions […]


5 Signs You are Ready for True Love

Assuming you are in your twenties, then you are probably looking for the love of your life. While most teenagers think that their first crush is the sure thing, the one, it usually ends up being, well, not exactly true love. People in their twenties, they have had enough time […]


How to Make Your Girlfriend Happy

Woman may be a weird, illogical and incomprehensible creation for us but it's an undeniable truth that we, men, cannot imagine our lives without a woman. We adore them, admire them and care about them but we can't understand them. Though we cannot realize that we don't have to understand […]