It has been often seen that even the most intelligent, good-looking, genuine, and funny man fails when it comes to creating an online dating profile. It is common to see them dragging focus to the most unappealing aspects of their personalities and not talking about their strengths at all!
What Photos to Have
It’s time men understood that Tinder is, to a great extent, about one’s looks, and how they groom themselves. Here are some practical tips on how to go about this part of your profile:
- Upload at least three photographs because just one or two pictures fail to convince the other sex.
- Trying to pull off Blue Steel or intense smolders, thinking they have a way with women, can be disastrous. Dating is supposed to be interesting, and not about uncovering layers of your mysterious personality.
- Pictures you upload on Tinder should be in focus and absolutely clear.
- Pictures that show your interests, especially those that strike a chord with most people are a great idea.
- Men, or for that matter, anyone that likes animals, is perceived as kind and interesting. Have pictures clicked with your dogs or cats and put them up on Tinder.
How Your Bio Should Be
A smartly written bio, even on Tinder, helps to brighten your chances of meeting someone. It shows you have more to offer, apart from your looks.
- Either keep it clean and simple, or leave it blank. You can also just mention your location, alma mater, and a thing that you love.
- Knowing what women are looking for. If you’re tall, always mention it in the bio. If you cleverly want to give them a peek into your life, add your Twitter handle and Instagram account.
- Be careful with quotes and pop culture coinages. The appeal could be too specific for her to be interested in you. It could also be absolutely opposite to her line of thinking, which would be a bad reason for the two of not to connect at all.
Tinder is especially tricky territory in the sea of online dating platforms. There is very less space and time to catch the opposite sex’s fancy, and the fairer sex tends to be rather choosy here. The average woman is looking for someone confident and moderately good-looking, and Tinder is the place to make the most of it. Nitroxin reviews on Men’s Health Digest say that this 100% natural male enhancement stimulates dopamine in the brain, which helps users feel confident about presenting themselves before women.
Ways to Improve Male Fertility and Boost Sperm Count
- Regular Exercise: Regular exercise not only improves your physical performance, but also increases your testosterone levels. Researchers believe that men who work out regularly have better semen quality and higher level of testosterone than men who don’t.
- Lower Stress: Increased stress level may decrease your sexual satisfaction and affect your fertility also. Researchers believe that too much stress increases cortisol level, which in turn causes negative effect on testosterone. Whenever cortisol level goes higher, testosterone levels move down. Also, working for more than 12 hours a day without any rest can lead to reduced sperm production. Try to keep yourself calm and stress-free by practicing some meditation.
- Quit Smoking: If you are smoking cigarettes, your sperm count might go down. Smoking not only reduces sperm counts, but also makes them less motile. Cutting back on smoking will surely increase your sperm count and make you more fertile.
- Healthy Diet Plan: For improving your fertility and sperm count, you should have a low-fat and high-protein diet. Having plenty of eggs, fish, fruits and vegetables in your diet is considered good for your sperm and overall health. Cashews, peanuts and walnuts are also a good source to increase sperm count.
- Take Supplements: You can try natural supplements to increase sperm count in semen. Folic acid and zinc sulfate are good supplements to increase sperm production. You can also try some vitamin C tablets and natural male extra formula to boost your fertility.
- Medical Intervention: It is possible that your sperm count can get low due to some sexually transmitted infections. In this case, your doctor may prescribe you some antibiotics to treat those infections. Hormonal issues might also affect your sperm count. So, consult your doctor to get proper treatment for your problems.
4 Things Your Woman Want From You in Bed
- A Lot of Foreplay: Unlike men, who are easily aroused and gain the most pleasure usually from penetration, a woman needs foreplay, and a lot of it. Women usually take longer than men to reach the level of arousal that she needs for orgasm. Other than serving a physical purpose, foreplay, including kissing, hugging and caressing to create lubrication in the vagina, prepares a woman emotionally and physically for sex. However, for many women, foreplay should begin much before the sexual act, in the form of flirtatious texts and signs.
- Lock Eyes: It has been seen in most cases that menhave a problem with eye contact, where they only look at other female body parts while having sex. This makes the woman feel that her partner is simply not interested in her as a person. Sometimes, she feels like a piece of meat rather than a work of art. Eye contact is one of the most sensual and intimate things, a reflection of ultimate closeness. When a man looks straight into the eyes of a woman, he engages her, making her believe of his love.
- Bear Women’s Crying: It is very normal for a woman that her emotions take over and she cries during sex. Although this does not happen all the time, it could occur when the emotions she is going through become overwhelming. She might experience pain and discomfort during penetrative intercourse, which could also bring tears to her eyes. Moreover, most girls, during their first time, can find the experience complicated and frustrating, where she might not be able to stop her tears. Men should try not to be judgmental or take things personally, instead stick with them through these emotional waves.
- Keep Going: During sex, men can become highly predictive, falling a set pattern that he knows will help him orgasm. On the other hand, womenare capable of havingmultiple orgasms and are just getting started when the man is done. When they are allowed to continue, women can have so much to offer. Even when men lose their erection, they should continue to stimulate their partner so that she can explore more of her erotic nature.
Tips on Making Contact
One of the unspoken, but universally agreed upon rules of dating, is that it is up to the man to initiate the conversation. It is chivalric, and, more importantly, gives you chance to score some points for your surprisingly good sense of humor, upfront. Another rule is to never begin the conversation with a plain “hi.” It smacks of immaturity and clumsiness.
Wait before you ask her out or suggest a hook up, but don’t wait for too long. You should come across as someone sure and confident because your hard-work with those 100% natural male enhancement supplements just might pay off. However, research enough on the supplement’s side-effects, ingredients, and result before trying them.