Cleaning windows is not always so nice and funny as they show it in the movies. Sometimes you can get quite dirty, and sometimes you can’t achieve the results you have wanted. This is simply because not everybody is a window cleaning expert. We all have different jobs and obligation, and the window cleaning is quite often far down the list. But this fact doesn’t mean that we have to neglect our windows. They are the eyes of our homes, and we should do everything possible to maintain them clean and fresh. Fortunately, you don’t need lots of time and effort in order to maintain your windows clean. All you need are these five smart solutions for cleaning windows. Here you will find easy solutions to common window issues.
Streaks after washing. It’s very unpleasant to notice streaks on your windows minutes after you have washed them thoroughly. It personally makes me angry. The professionals use a very simple solution to this problem - a squeegee with a smooth and soft rubber edge. And if you don’t want to invest in one, you can use some black and white newspaper pages. Avoid the coloured ones, since they leave marks on the windows. At first you should dry a small strip on the top of the window, and start using your squeegee from there. Starting the window cleaning from a dry surface is very important if you don’t want streaks. And remember, never wash windows under direct sunlight, because this way the glass will dry quickly, and it will be more susceptible to streaking. The evenings or cloudy days are best for window cleaning.
Dust on blinds. There’s dust practically everywhere around us. It sets on practically every kind of surfaces. It especially likes our blinds, because we usually rarely use them. The smart solution here is to use an antiseptic spray on your blinds. It will keep the dust from piling up quickly in there. Every time you clean the blinds, just spray a little of the antiseptic spray and don’t wipe it. You will notice how there will be less dust each time.
Mildew on window frames. If the humidity in your home is higher than normal, mildew usually starts developing on the window frames. The grey or black mildew spots on window frames can be easily dealt with by using a simple solution of 60 milliliters of household bleach mixed with 30 milliliters of laundry detergent. Just pour them in a bucket of water, put on some protective gloves, and rub the window frames with a sponge. Let this solution sit on the surface for about ten minutes, and then wash everything thoroughly with some clean water.
The windows get dirty too fast. If the interior part of the windows gets dirty too fast, it may mean that you’ll have to change the filters of your air conditioners or furnace. Today’s modern homes trap lots of dust, dander, pollen and many other unpleasant particles. The air conditioner filters trap these things all the time, and extend the life of all your other appliances. But after some time the gathered dust becomes too much for the filters to handle, and they begin releasing it into the air. This is why the filters should be changed every month or so, to avoid these situations.
Filthy shades. Dust your shades regularly to avoid the filth. If you notice stains on them, it’s time for a serious cleaning. A window cleaner in Sydney could help you. You can wash them in place, but for better results it’s recommended to remove them. Place them on a table covered with a plastic sheet or a curtain. Or you can put them in the bathtub, if you have one. Wash the shades with a sponge and a solution of quarter a cup of white vinegar diluted in 1 litre of warm water. You can also add some dishwashing liquid for better results. Wipe the shades from each side with the sponge. Then rinse them with some clean water to remove the cleaning solution. And in the end, wipe the shades with a soft, clean cloth.