Different varieties of materials and styles are available for patio furnishings. Some patio furniture are more durable and last for a long time whereas others are easier to move or store during winter. Planning for outdoor living space depends to a great extent on how often you are using it and on the type of climate you are living in.
Commonly Used Materials for Furnishings
Patio furniture is usually created with Aluminum, Concrete and Wood. Aluminum is durable, strong and has light weight. Moreover you can get it in both modern and traditional styles. Since aluminum furniture does not have much weight, it is easier to rearrange, move or store. In addition you can leave it outdoors throughout the winter months as it doesn't corrode or rust. You will be able to protect aluminum furniture from UV rays if you wax it.
Concrete patio furniture is also strong and durable and lasts for a long time. However it will not be the right option for you, if you want to rearrange the patio frequently. This is simply because of its heavy weight. Tables, benches, statues or birdbaths are common patio furniture and accessories. You can avail concrete furnishings in wide array of finishes and styles.
Wood patio furniture is usually created with teak or cedar. You can paint it for enhancing its style and durability. The advantage of using wooden furniture is its natural look which allows it to blend into the scenery. If you maintain it properly, it may last for many years.
Patio Furniture for Summer Living
Summer is a great time to be engaged in outdoor activities and spend quality time with your friends and family. Barbeques and pool parties are there to make you feel delighted. Moreover you can just sit outside and start reading a book. If you have the right patio furniture for your outdoor space, it will be able to keep you and your guests comfortable all through the summer. Different styles are available in the market but you have to carefully choose the right one depending on your personal style and durability.
Let's check out a few patio furniture types for summer living:
Natural Wicker
This is one of the most popular types of outdoor furniture used in summer. Different varieties of natural wicker are available in the market including cane, reed and rattan. Rattan is a woven fibrous material. It is extremely durable and is very easy to paint. Cane is also durable as rattan. However cane has a natural glossy finish that makes it impossible to repaint. Reed is the least durable one and is not suited for constant outdoor use.
Synthetic Wicker
It is available in the same variety as natural wicker. However it is manufactured and not grown. It is more long-lasting than natural wicker and is resistant to mildew, stains, salt water and sun damage. If you want you can also paint it for suiting your style.
Bamboo furniture is often mistaken for wicker rattan furnishings. Nevertheless it is tough and easy to treat against weather damage. It is not meant for handling heavy weight and is normally used for making outdoor bars and foot stools.
Furniture made from teak wood is extremely durable as it is one of the most weather resistant hardwoods. This wood doesn't need any artificial treatment due to its compact structural fibers. If you want to protect the wood you can apply teak wood oil. You can also paint it if you like. However it is usually left in natural state.
Wrought Iron
Wrought iron is extremely durable patio furniture. However it requires a bit of maintenance. The paint may get damaged at some point of time depending on the finish. You can mend this with touch up paint. If you buy cushions for your furniture, it will make your furniture more comfortable. The furniture created with wrought iron is also heavy and so moving it is very difficult.
If you want you can make use of patio boxes for keeping furniture safe. Purchase the best patio furniture from a reputed online shop and store it in a suitable patio box. Get the best patio furniture and enjoy summer comfortably in your backyard.