Maybe your dream home is a mansion with 100 rooms, all with their own bathrooms and kitchens. Many of us have a dream home, but it's usually much simpler than others might suspect. A dream home doesn't have to be huge or have all the latest gadgets, it just needs to have a few things we love and enjoy inside it. For those planning on building their own home, over buying or renting, it's a tough job. Even if you're doing all the planning by yourself, there is a million and one things you need to consider and just 1 thing going wrong can jeopardize a whole project. So below is a step by step guide on how to simply but effectively build a home from start to finish.
Plot & Foundations
The first thing you need to do is choose a location for your perfect home and be sure to pay for the plot! You can't build a home just anywhere, you need to own the land and you also need to ask planning permission from the local council. Your home, before it's even built, will be subject to judgement by potential neighbours.
Once this part is sorted you need to get those foundations down, without them you can't build a thing. Make sure you hire only professionals to do this for you, a dodgy job here could land you in deep trouble in the future. Foundations need to be laid in solid ground, if it's too muddy it won't be able to support the weight of the house.
Walls & Insulation
Once your foundations are laid, you'll want to start on the walls of your home. You want to choose a material that is hard wearing and will not weather over time. You could stick to the traditional brick, but some will use treated hardwoods to build their home. Whatever you choose, you need to make sure that it is insulating.
Loss of heat in the home can cause your energy bills to soar. Make sure that the walls are thick, sturdy and most importantly insulated. You can actually use various materials to insulate your walls, some have actually used sheeps wool to insulate the home!
Putting A Roof Over Your Head
Once the walls are up the roof needs to go on, for without it you‘re subject to the weather. If you have chosen a traditional roof, with slats, you'll find many companies who can accommodate you. However, should you be choosing a flat roof, you'll need qualified specialists to install it as you will need a way for water to roll off of it. Do make sure that, like your foundations, the support for the roof is 100% solid.
Windows & Doors
When it comes to windows and doors, you've got a whole range of choice! You can go for a traditional painted wooden door or a super secure plastic double lock door. One thing to bear in mind when purchasing windows and doors is safety. You want to be sure that they pass smoke ventilation tests, so should you be unfortunate enough to have a fire in the some the smoke can escape.
Windows will also again need to be insulating, so do not go for single glazed windows. It's suggested that you should go for double or even triple glazed windows as they are not just great for insulation, they're harder to break.
Electrics & Water
We're right near the end of the journey of building a home, but there are just some final things that need to happen before the home is truly habitable. You need to make sure that the whole house is fitted with suitable water pipes and electrical wires. If your home is in the middle of nowhere, you should consider using wind turbines and solar panels to get your power.
Finishing Touches
Now the home is made and ready to go, all you need to do now is make the house your own! Add in furniture, put down flooring and paint the walls. Add whatever you want into this space to make it more your own, a house isn't a home without bits and bobs, right?
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