
Basic Tips and Tricks to Remember When Painting a House ‘DIY’ Style

There is a lot of preparation and hard work that goes into painting an entire house to make it look all shiny and brand new. This is probably why the latter of people will seek out professional painters to do the job for them – it’s easier, less stress, less mess and less time – though it does often come at a hefty price.

For those who don’t have a few thousand dollars’ spare or those who thrive off of the ‘Do It Yourself’ satisfaction and experience, this article will cover a few of the basic tips and tricks to aid in making this lengthy, kind of daunting process as easy as possible.


One common factor that many people forget to take into account when undergoing this particular DIY project is the unpredictable force of Mother Nature. As beautiful as she is, she can cause big problems and delays for someone who is trying to get their house nice and new.

Planning ahead, taking note of weather patterns and seasonal traits is absolutely crucial. Aim for a dry time of year when there is the least amount of both rain and humidity. Paint obviously needs the appropriate amount of time to dry and this just won’t happen in the wrong weather conditions.


Paint is only one of the dozen things needed to paint an entire house. Here are a few other things that will make the job so much easier, as well as give better results.

  1. The Appropriate Scaffoldings

This one can be easily dismissed by the newbie DIY-er, until they realise that their ladders are just not that efficient, not to mention extremely risky and potentially dangerous. Investing in good, sturdy scaffoldings allows for easier, safer access to the higher points of a house, roof or ceiling.

Scaffoldings in general are always a good thing to have in the garage, they always come in handy for other DIY projects!

  1. The Appropriate Coverings

Painting is messy! Despite great efforts, even the best painters are going to get the stuff everywhere. It’s truly inevitable and honestly just a part of the process.

Investing in coverings for the floors, carpets & furniture (if it’s inside) or decks & plants (if it’s an outside job) saves a lot of clean up labour when the job is finally done and dusted.


Painting a house is so much more than just slopping on coat after coat until its fully covered. Majority of the work is in the preparation of the building and walls – well before the paint tins are even touched! It is more important to make sure that the walls and surfaces are properly prepared before beginning the actual painting.

  1. Cleaning the surface should always be the first step, especially if it has been a while since the last time it was painted. Paint just wont stick to dirt or grease.
  2. Similarly, paint will not adhere to any rough or wet surface so sanding down the area, ensuring that it is smooth, clean and dry is a must.
  3. Priming the area before paint application is also common practice. There are however, new advances in paint manufacturing that allow for the paint and primer to be mixed in together – ultimately removing a whole step!

Although the reason for this DIY motivation may be to cut down on labour costs, it’s important to remember that quality is always key. Investing more funds into decent quality paints and tools will always guarantee a better result and mean that the job won’t have to be redone for a longer amount of time!

If you have any questions, please ask below!