
Advantages of Retractable Patio Enclosures

The minimalist modern homes with barely enough space for a dining table and kitchen appliances, leave everyone craving for some personal space. Have you always dreamed of having your own art studio? Or, have you always wanted an indoor herb garden? The lack of space in modern houses makes it impossible to accommodate these dreams as well as the daily knickknacks.

During such trying times, when you have to choose between the reality of affordability and your lifelong dreams, your patio may become the saving grace. Your old patio can become the new sunroom for you and your family. With a few simple changes, you can transform it into a greenhouse or a studio with enough natural light. Still, don’t believe us? You should check out the retractable patio enclosures that will protect your precious belongings from the sun and the rain, and manage to give you that extra room you always wanted.

Add a room to your old home

If you love spending time on your patio irrespective of the rain and snow, the retractable enclosure is the perfect solution for the challenges the weather brings your way. No longer can the rain and wind hamper your daily routine. You can enjoy the sunrise, your lazy afternoons and the cool evenings on your patio by spending a few dollars. The patio enclosures are budget-friendly contraptions that keep the cold wind, annoying bugs, and chilly rain away from your romantic evenings.

How to patio enclosures work?

All patio enclosures are simple contraptions that work on a two-rail system. These rails are on the house (wall) and the ground respectively. Most manufacturers provide the users with enclosures that are retractable on both sides. Thanks to the easy-slide rails you can move the enclosure sections in both directions. Whether you choose a polycarbonate screen for your patio cover or a complete glass model, the free flow of natural light in the daytime will help you reduce energy expenses.

How can the patio enclosure protect your swimming pool as well?

Apart from transforming your patio into a room, an enclosure that is big enough can also encompass your adjoining swimming pool and the surrounding area. You will not have to brave the chilly weather and the harsh rain on your way to the pool from home. An extensive patio cum pool enclosure can attach your patio to your adjacent pool and provide a continuous ceiling for the users.

Greater safety: That should also enable you to utilize the new “indoor” space around the pool for your herb garden, mini bar, and lounge chairs. You will never have to worry about bringing the accessories and seats indoors after another pool party this summer.

Improves cleanliness: Installing a patio enclosure enhances the safety of your pool. You will no longer have to worry about uninvited guests in your pool, leaves, and twigs from the trees in your garden or debris after a storm.

Reduces energy expenses: Investing in a retractable patio enclosure will also save you energy costs. You will not have to heat and reheat the pool every time someone wants to use it. The solid cover in all directions will minimize the loss of heat via evaporation from the surface of the pool.

Smart lighting options: At the same time, installing fewer lighting fixtures can keep the entire outdoor-indoor pool area well lit and safe for the children as well. You will no longer have to worry about your kids spending time in the pool post sunset. Your guests will also feel more comfortable with the natural light around them and plenty of lighting fixtures lighting up the secured area around the pool in the evenings.

Increased comfort: Every party will go on for hours since the energy saving enclosure will keep the indoor atmosphere comfortable for the guests and the pool welcoming for all swimmers. The ease of access from the living room or the kitchen will make the parties livelier and happier than ever.

All-season swimming: When you see the sky darken from the clouds, you can close up the roof and the sides with the press of one button. The automatic retraction enables people to open and close the giant ceilings and transparent walls without exerting any force at all. So, the next time it gets chilly during swim time, you just have to press one button before you get into a pleasantly heated pool.

The customized screens on motorized retractors can transform your patio to the extra room your family needs right now. The professionally engineered screens provide complete protection from bugs and UV-rays, climate control and enough fresh air. At the same time, you can control the level of privacy you want in your patio-turned-room. Whether you use it as a smoking room or a family dining room, you can entirely rely upon the sturdy enclosures during all times of the year.

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