While baseball is “America’s favorite pastime” I think we can all agree that football’s bid to be “America’s game” is unquestionable. Football is by far and near the most popular sport in the US, with its levels of popularity always on a constant rise, be it if you’re a fan who likes to get down and catch as many games as possible or if you like to practice it as a form of exercise and hobby.
Be it because of the action and thrills that go into playing a sport as intense as football, because when playing football, just like when you bet on NFL action, you’re always in it to win it, or how practicing team sports helps not only in the physical aspects of life but also in the social and mental aspects, football is a sport that can be taken as an all-around beneficial activity for anybody who practices it. With this said, here is our take on how practicing football can bring some very positive social and physical benefits to people.
Football Is Perfect for Developing Teamwork and Communication Skills
When you watch an NFL game, one of the first things you might notice is the almost ballet-like level of skill and coordination that goes into any and every play on the field. While yes, some plays might not pan out to the best results, the process of getting to those plays is still the same, through thorough practices of communication and teamwork building. These amongst other skills like selflessness, being part of a collective effort, and sharing the ideas of reaching attainable goals, like scoring points or winning games and accolades are some of the most important social skills that people who practice football can help attain or strengthen when practicing the sport.
Healthy lines of communication, for example, based on respect, honesty, positive reinforcement when needed and constructive criticism usually allows people to obtain better results in life, be it on the football field or anywhere else. In football, like any other team sport, athletes learn to find the best ways to communicate with their teammates because of the time they spend together and the bond that they acquire while playing. This easily translates to everyday life as well, be it with family, work partners, or just day-to-day interactions, with good and healthy communication skills, come positive results.
In football, like in life, putting into practice the old saying of “teamwork makes the dream work” is as important as any other aspect of the game. Be it that you use it for personal or relationship purposes, for work purposes, or any other, the idea of being part of a team, of being able to contribute and not feel like one has to carry the world on their shoulders is pivotal to success. Team sports, like football, encourage players to practice selflessness, helping them to understand that everything is easier with a little help here and there. The ideals of teamwork also help people understand the value of sharing and offering positive contributions to obtain the best results. So yeah, if you think about it teamwork does make the dream work.
Physically, Football Works Best for Both Body and Mental Health
Football is not a game for the weak of heart, or physical condition, especially taking into account all of the intensity that goes into every play. But not all is bad, football is also a great outlet for a cardiovascular workout as well as for the development of muscular and bone density in the body. The way in which football is practiced could easily be seen as a mix-up of various sports disciplines all in one. You have the ruggedness that rugby offers, the hand, and foot coordination that soccer brings, the sheer athleticism and speed from running, and even one could think about the strategic organization that a game like chess entails. Basically put, playing football can help you develop physical skills and assets that you probably didn’t even know you could achieve. Football is a great source of interval training options, given the fact that almost every position on the field plays the game in a completely independent mind-set. So while some positions are more about speed and readiness, others are more about working the core and developing force. Football is a lot of fun to play but it can also be a great workout to maintain heart rate activity at optimal levels and body fat percentages at low numbers.
From a mental perspective, a game as intense as football works perfectly as an outlet to let stress out. Given the levels of energy and adrenaline that go into the game, all these combine to become great stress relievers, leaving players with a more relaxed and calm state of mind once the game is done. Football is also great to practice concentration skills. Given that there is so much going on within the game, being able to concentrate and step into a mindset that is all about the game usually helps players become more aware of their surroundings, without the added stress of any exterior factors. This works perfectly for people who need to boost their concentration skills for work or study-related purposes as well as personal purposes. All and all, even with all of the intensity that goes into the sport of football, it can also become a rather positive and healthy outlet for physical and mental benefitting and stability.