
Frequently Asked Questions About Hydronic Heating Radiators

hydronic heating radiatorBecause the concept of hydronic heating radiators is still fairly new here in Australia, it is understandable that most people considering this option will have plenty of questions. Whilst there is absolutely nothing wrong with approaching a hydronics specialist with these questions, we know that some people may be a little embarrassed about not knowing something. This is why we have aimed to answer some of the more frequently asked questions here!

  1. "Are these radiators hung on the wall?"
    Yes, these units are mounted directly onto the wall in the rooms that you wish to have heated. We try to situate them relatively close to the ground (as heat rises) but heated towel rails are often also offered, which are mounted much higher up the wall.
  2. "Can I place furniture in front of the radiators?"
    Whilst placing furniture directly in front of these units will not cause a fire or burning to the upholstery, it should be noted that this will affect the circulation of heat throughout the room. It is not recommended that you place furniture in the way if this can be avoided.
  3. "Will radiators work if placed underneath windows?"
    This is actually a favourite spot for these units to be installed, as they help to counteract the heat loss that occurs through the glass and minimises the amount of wall space used. It is generally possible to find a unit that will fit perfectly underneath most windows.
  4. "Can I install panel radiators myself or do I need a professional to do this for me?"
    The incorrect installation of your system could result in all kinds of problems, so a professional should definitely undertake the process for you. If you would prefer, however, your plumber can be supplied with everything he needs to complete the installation.
  5. "Can children or pets burn themselves?"
    It is understandable that many homeowners are hesitant to install hydronic heating radiators because they are worried about children and pets burning themselves. It is important to note, however, that the units never grow hot enough to burn by simply touching them.
  6. "What does ‘bleeding' mean and how can I tell when this needs to be done to my radiators?"
    The term ‘bleeding' refers to releasing trapped air from within your unit and is a process that should be undertaken once or twice a year. You will know that bleeding needs to occur if your unit feels warm at bottom and cool at the top, or if you hear knocking noises.
  7. "How do I bleed my radiators?"
    Begin by turning your whole heating system off, then locate the bleed valve to one side of the unit. Take out your bleed key (it will have been provided during installation), insert it into the valve and turn. Once the air has been released, retighten the valve.
  8. "Can I install radiators in an existing home?"
    The great thing about these units is that they are perfect for existing homes or ones that are being renovated. Because nothing is laid beneath the floor, work will be completed relatively quickly. They are also perfect for second stories where floor heating cannot be installed.

Whilst we hope that your most pressing questions have been answered in the list above, we definitely encourage you to contact a hydronic heating radiators professional if you have any other queries or need some clarification. They will be more than happy to answer your questions and will not think you silly for needing to ask - they know that hydronic systems can be quite complex! We wish you luck in your heating endeavours!

Information offered by Cambro Boilers, a company from Australia.

If you have any questions, please ask below!