

Top 10 Calorific Journeys on the London Tube Map

London has its fair share of internationally recognised landmarks, all within a reasonable travelling distance, you might agree. All the more reason then to ditch the iconic red London Bus and the London Underground to walk amongst the hotspots. A study from GP Wayne Osborne of medical website discovered […]

stressed man screaming

10 Simple Techniques to Release Stress

When you continue adding air to a balloon, it becomes bigger and bigger until it can take no more and, with a loud bang, it gives in to the pressure. Not much remains afterwards. Stress has the same effect on people. Too much, and harmful effects will surely follow. But […]


How to Develop a Marathon Mind Set?

Marathon is not all about winning the race you need to be psychologically prepared and engaged. This is the reason why you have to undergo training for about 3 months before the marathon starts. You have to focus and be active on a daily basis focusing on the major day […]


Tips to Stay Fit During the Holiday Season

Holiday season is fast approaching, are you ready for it? Christmas, New Year's, and all the holidays in between are fun and most likely, it involves a lot of eating and drinking. And most people decide to forget about their diet during these days. They do not want to appear […]


Hit the Slopes Safely With These Tips

Skiers rely heavily on their gear for comfort, safety, and performance. Unfortunately, many of those that rent gear are unsure of exactly what they need and how to get the perfect fit. If you are planning your next ski vacation, then take a look at these gear rental tips to […]


Tips to Get The Best Swimming Coach in Singapore

Singapore is a very modernized country that has developed very much. Are you located in this beautiful and amazing country and you want to learn swimming? Well there are several swimming coaches that offers swimming classes in Singapore that is why you must do a well extensive research in order […]