
How To Design Your Own Killer Workout

How I Lost Weight on a Simple Workout Plan

Everybody seems to love the idea of going to the gym to shed some pounds. While it is definitely an interesting thing to do, it does not do much if you do not know exactly what to do. The next thing you know, you are wasting money on something that does not work (well, at least, for you).

It holds true that a lot of people these days are easily overwhelmed by the thought of working out with no proper structure. Things can only get worse when there is no trainer or instructor to help them. But why burden yourself with that when you can actually come up with your own killer workout?

Start your own killer workout now

Believe it or not, building your own workout routine is not hard – it is pretty much straightforward. Keep in mind, however, that it is important that you give your utmost dedication for it to work. Like any other methods, programming your workout is essential in achieving a purpose. Otherwise, it is like going on a trip without having a roadmap.

The easiest way for you to get started is to learn all about your basic movements. As soon as you get the hang of it, you will be surprised by the countless number of exercises you can make by using these patterns. That right here is the beauty about designing your own killer workout!

Below is a brief explanation of how each movement works. Try to do at least 1 exercise from each section mentioned, so you can achieve a well-rounded workout.

  • Lower-body push

This one focuses on the lower-body powerhouse muscles and core (e.g. glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, etc.). The squat is perhaps the most well-known, but the variations listed below will give you dozens of ideas. It can be as detailed as Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyers, but it is definitely worth your time.

Goblet Squat – Just stand with your feet hip-width and make sure to hold the weight with your both hands. To make it more effective, ensure that you hold at chest level. Try to bend your knees at a 90-degree angle while keeping your chest up and back straight.

Overhead Squat – Like the aforementioned, keep your feet hip-width and hold a weight (i.e. dumbbell) overhead. As you hold it with each hand, try to keep your biceps in line with your ears.

  • Hip hinge

In case you didn’t know, a hip hinge is the type of movement that involves extension and/or flexion of your hips. Although it works a lot of muscles akin to a squat, it engages them in a very different way.

Romanian Deadlift – Do this one using dumbbells and stand with your feet hip-width. Brace your core and send your hips all the way to the back, with the weights toward the ground. Do not round your spine – keep it neutral as possible as you can. If you find the need to, bend your knees instead.

Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift – Same as the aforementioned, do this one using dumbbells. Start with a posture almost the same as the above, but you have to perform the exercise using one leg. As you begin with both feet rooted on the ground, try to hinge forward, with your left leg to lift behind you. Always keep your hips square towards the ground.

  • Single-leg movement

This one highly benefits your posterior chain, though it also effectively engages core and stabilizers. Why? That is because more balanced is needed here. Actually, you are somehow imitating this when you try to run, walk, or climb the stairs.

With your feet hip-width, hold a dumbbell in each of your hands. Try to shift your weight a bit to the right side as your left foot steps back. The key is to drop into a low lunge, seemingly bending your knees to 90 degrees.

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