One of the main reasons of depression in women can be the inability to get pregnant. Infertility is a serious concern all around the world for those trying to start a family. According to the American Pregnancy Association, if a woman or a couple has been unsuccessful in getting pregnant even after a year of trying, then fertility tests of various kinds become necessary. Once the fertility tests have been conducted and remedial actions, if possible, have been taken, it is time to take the pregnancy tests!
How do fertility tests work?
If you and your male partner have been trying to get pregnant then it is essential that both of you undergo a fertility test. Simply put, “his and hers” fertility tests. Some of the things that will get analyzed and reported on during such tests are:
- Egg count or Anti-Müllerian Hormone.
- Complete assessment of lifestyle.
- Semen analysis.
- Ultrasound scans.
- Blood tests.
- Thyroid hormones.
- Medical histories.
- Prolactin and so on.
A comprehensive list of tests will, more often than not, indicate problem areas, if any, and help draw up a plan of action as well.
Fertility calculator
The other aspect of fertility tests is simply the method of calculating the ‘peak fertility’ period which will help a woman get pregnant more successfully. Interestingly enough, there are online calculators for the same that will give you a time frame in which you have the highest chance of conception. Such a tool will ask you for the following and then generate a ‘fertile period’:
- The start date of your last period.
- The average length of your menstrual cycle.
On an average, this ‘fertile period’ would span 3-5 days. Of course, it is not advisable to get too obsessed with this kind information because it may add a lot of stress to getting pregnant itself.
Pregnancy tests
Here again, there are quite a few options to check once you think that you may be pregnant. Strips, cassettes, digital and analog are just some of the choices that can guide you to buy a pregnancy test.
Check out a few important details before buying a home pregnancy test:
- The reputation of the brand or manufacturer of the test.
- The reliability factor.
- The sensitivity level.
You may also like to do two or more tests before being absolutely sure about the results. Some tests work best when taken a few days after the due date of your period. Other tests may indicate pregnancy even a day after your period is due.
Getting the doctor’s input
Whether it is fertility tests – for infertility or normal ovulation calculation – or pregnancy tests, it is a great idea to get it confirmed with a doctor as well. For sure, there are very reliable online tools and sources of information and products that can help you with both these areas but a doctor knows best! Get a trustworthy doctor to help you with fertility and pregnancy tests and you have a better chance of becoming a mom (or parents) in a less stressful and more successful manner.