

Hiking tips for beginners

Mountain hiking is an ideal activity for those who lack outdoorsy physical exercises, yet don't like sports which require quick outbursts of energy and excessive sweating. It is also an ideal way to recharge your batteries and make you feel like a brand new person after having a stressful week […]


Advantages and Disadvantages of Masturbation

According to Wikipedia-masturbation represents the sexual stimulation of own genitals, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation can be performed using the hands, fingers, everyday objects, or dedicated sex toys. There are very few people who don't masturbate (approx. 5-8% of the entire population). It was found that people […]


Why Do People Masturbate?

Masturbation represents a part of normal development and is a harmless expression of sexuality for both men and women. It is more frequent in males (a recent study showed that 95% of men masturbated at least once and 87% or women). In childhood, masturbation is a wide-spread sexual behavior. As […]


How Long Does it Take to Recover from a Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, a procedure better known as a nose job, is generally performed to help the patient achieve a more attractive nose. It can also help treat breathing problems caused by nose structure problems. The procedure involves either changing the shape of bones and cartilage in the nose, or adding tissue, […]


Amazing Health Benefits of Medical Marijuana

Recent reports suggest that there are states fighting over the issue of marijuana legalization. This comes in the wake of the weed having been successfully legalized in Washington and Colorado. This has left other states wondering whether or not they could do the same. However, the funny bit is that […]


Tips To Improve Your Overall Health

You only life one life, so in order to make the most of it, it's a great idea to stay healthy. Unfortunately, we all make unhealthy decisions every now and then, whether it be food, lack of exercise, or poor habits, but now is the time to make a change […]


How to Prevent Injury when Lifting Heavy Weights

These days, more and more people are trying to push themselves further and further when working out. As you compete with friends and struggle to impress people with how much you can lift-you might be risking serious injury. The reality is, some people are pushing themselves too far. It’s understandable […]