I have been trying to stay on a low-sodium diet for quite a while. Sometimes, it’s not as easy as you think, with going out to dinner with friends, to cooking a delicious but quick meal at home. So, I decided to do some more research on how apps and online resources could make it an easier lifestyle change.
Check it out, but do keep reading to find what I discovered and how apps can help you make a low-sodium diet easy to achieve every day.
Ingredients for a Low-Sodium Lifestyle
Living a low-sodium lifestyle obviously means that you are in search of foods with little to no salt, but that doesn’t mean you want to eat boring and bland food. Luckily, there’s loads of apps out there that can help you eat healthily, but also with flavor so you don’t even miss salt. For instance, you can find healthy alternatives to using salt like other spices or herbs. So instead of adding salt to your dish, you can brighten it up with mint sprigs or chives. Apps can also help you sustain your new diet by opting not to show you certain recipes that contain salt or salty ingredients. You can download apps that are designed to feature recipes specific to someone’s dietary restrictions or allergies. Therefore, you don’t have to get excited about a recipe you see on an app, only to read the ingredients and realize it doesn’t fit your low-sodium requirements. You can have an app that only shows you tasty recipes that match the low-sodium diet you are trying to successfully stick with.
Related article: Apps for Doing a Low-Sodium Diet
Cooking Low-Sodium at Home
If you’re like me, with all the errands, work, and things that need to be done regularly, you don’t have time to organize, shop and prepare multiple meals daily. But, with apps, this issue can really be resolved. Instead of searching and scouring the Internet for low-sodium healthy recipes, you can download an app that will send you notifications of healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner ideas. Going one step further, you can even list in an app the ingredients you have at home, your dietary restrictions, and presto, the app will give a list of recipes you can make without having to walk up and down the aisles of your grocery store. In addition, I like to do my grocery shopping one time a week, but I often find by the third or fourth meal I’ve made, I need to get one or two extra ingredients to complete the recipes ahead. But, with a grocery list and recipe management app, you can put together a concise grocery list that ensures you have all the ingredients you need for each meal. Ultimately, if you have everything you need to enjoy low-sodium meals during the week than you are more likely to stay on track.
Related article: Effect of lower sodium intake on health
Going out for Dinner & Eating Low-Sodium
But, you can’t stay in every night. Weekends are meant to have fun and go out with friends for dinner. Luckily, you can still achieve your weight loss goals even at a restaurant. The more you educate yourself on your diet, like what ingredients seem healthy but turn out to have a lot of sodium in them or which dish on the menu is in fact better for you and your diet, the more you will be able to achieve your goals. Therefore, finding a calorie counting app or an app that combines ingredients to give you the full nutritional value of a dish would be of great benefit to you and your goals. These kinds of apps take the guesswork out of calculating your out-to-dinner meals. Importantly, this will keep you in line with your lifestyle and cause less stress as well as disappointment.
In Conclusion
With delicious foods tempting you on a regular basis, apps can help you stay in your low-sodium healthy lifestyle, and with ease. They can help you prepare healthy meals throughout the week without having to backtrack to the grocery store a handful of times. They can also give you ideas on alternatives to salt, so you can still eat flavorful foods. Moreover, they can help you make good decisions when you do out for dinner and help you stick to your diet goals. All in all, apps can help you transition and stick with your new low-sodium lifestyle and make it as easy and delicious as possible.