Whenever I go out hiking or camping with my friends, I always make it a point to bring some extra cans of beer. Yes, I drink most of the stuff but I also leave a few in case of emergencies. When disaster strikes without warning, you are most likely forced to use every bit of information and equipment that you have with you. Therefore, I think you’d be surprise to know that even beer and most alcoholic beverages can be very helpful when it comes to survival in the wild.
Unknown to most people, beer has ingredients that have been proven beneficial for medical and practical purposes. I’ve seen action movies where the hero would suddenly grab a bottle of beer and pour the liquid in his wound. My father once explained that beer (or any type of alcoholic drink) kills germs and bacteria that may cause infection. Asides from sterilizing wounds, having an abundant supply of beer can help you when it comes to storing and preparing food.
Here are some of the best reasons why you’ll survive if you have an abundant supply of beer:
1. Beer cures stomachaches-Apparently, beer cures stomach aches caused by indigestion. Nothing cures stomach aches like a good bottle of Jack Daniels! Carbonation that happens during the brewing process helps in killing bacteria that causes stomach problems. The only downside to this is that beer is a no-no for people with ulcer problems. Also, children might not like the bitter taste too.
2. Beer removes stains-Surprisingly, this is true. I tried using beer to remove a really stubborn stain on one of my dresses. Sure enough, the stain was gone after a few minutes. A little club soda can also do the trick, but who has club soda when you’re lost in a sea of trees?
3. Beer can be used as meat tenderizer-When you’re lost in a forest, you are somehow expected to eat raw meat and grubs. But if in case you have a pack of Budweiser beer in your camping bag, then it’s time for some meat tenderizing marinade. The beer somehow soften the meat and it also adds a distinctive taste. Therefore, if you fancy eating deer (or even bears, if you’re completely lost and you somehow have the guts to fight against one!), then add flavor to that meat!

4. Beer as an Antiseptic-Just like in the movies, beer can be used as antiseptic. I’ve seen a lot of movies and television shows where guys spray a bottle of beer or wine on their wounds while yelling and cursing in pain. It’s a great way to treat your wound if you’re trying to survive during a forest hiking gone wrong.
5. Beer as an Anti-depressant-Of course, when things get really grim, the only thing you can do is grab a can of beer and drink your worries away. Hey, you’ve been doing it while trying to survive during the saddest times of your life, then why not use it when you’re desperate to survive in the wilderness? But then again, try not to drink too much. Or else, you’ll be too drunk to defend yourself against animal (and human) predators.
Jessica Greenberg is an avid blogger from San Diego, California. During her free time, she spends most of it by updating Wordbaristas.com, which is a blog that she keeps together with her friends.