A chiropractor can provide many benefits that help improve an individual’s physical and emotional state. Many people think that they only need chiropractic services when they feel something wrong and can no longer tolerate the pain. However, a chiropractor can relieve their patients of their pain and can prevent it from occurring.
Chiropractic is a treatment that works on the joints and spine to reduce back and neck pain. This type of therapy is gaining popularity, especially with people who have prolonged hours of sitting or those who have active lifestyles. Many prefer the chiropractic approach because it does not involve medication, and it is a fast remedy to pain, especially in the neck.
If you are considering a chiropractor to treat your neck pain, here is some vital information that you should know.
How to Treat Your Neck Pain
Chiropractic practitioners use their hands to relieve muscle, nerve, and joint pain by tuning the joints and spine. It involves applying a controlled, sudden force to the area affected by pushing beyond the normal range. This procedure will loosen up joints that have tissue damage due to trauma or repetitive stress. Several factors cause neck pain:
- Injuries and Accidents: Whiplash is the sudden forced and unexpected movement of the head or neck in any direction, with a rebound to the opposite direction. It causes motion injuries to the supporting tissues of your neck and head. It can also affect your intervertebral joints, ligaments, discs, muscles, and nerve roots.
- Aging: Aging leads to many types of illnesses and conditions, such as osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, and spinal stenosis.
- Osteoarthritis: It is a common disorder that causes the deterioration of cartilage. It makes your body create bone spurs that can affect joint motion.
- Spinal Stenosis: It narrows the small nerve passageways in the vertebrae. Spinal stenosis can cause arms, shoulders, and neck pain due to the reduced functions of the nerves.
- Degenerative Disc Disease: This disease reduces the height and elasticity of intervertebral discs, which leads to bulging or herniation. It causes numbness, tingling, and pain.
- Lifestyle: A relaxed lifestyle may lead people to poor posture, obesity, and weak muscles that affect spinal balance and cause the neck to bend forward. Muscles can also contract and tighten due to emotional and stress tension, which leads to stiffness. Neck pain is also the result of stress that affects the arms and upper back.
The chiropractic approach to neck pain involves adjustments called cervical manipulation. Snapping the vertebrae into their proper alignment reduces the uncomfortable pain caused by muscle spasms and pinched nerves.
Find the Right Chiropractor
Chiropractors undergo extensive training to be able to diagnose their patients. Most chiropractors do not prescribe medication for neck pain, but encourage their patients with treatment plans that include neck exercises and living a healthy lifestyle.
This profession requires a degree from an accredited college, which has a prerequisite of three years of undergraduate study. It will take four years to finish a chiropractic college course that involves classroom training and hands-on care of patients. Chiropractors can take another two to three years of residency for specialized training.
Every state implements its own regulations for chiropractors, in which every practitioner must follow the techniques covered for their practice. You need to consult with your primary physician for their recommendations in finding the right chiropractor for you. Always do a background check, such as professional license and training, before you enlist their services.
The Appropriate Chiropractic Care
Different types of pain require certain specialists that can provide the appropriate remedy for the discomfort. You need to determine which part of your body is painful and choose the right chiropractic practitioner for your sessions. You must know your condition so you can evaluate which specialists you should go to.
- If you are experiencing pain or numbness on your legs, arms, or shoulders, you might be suffering from a spinal cord injury or slipped disk. You may need a neurologist or neurosurgeon to treat your condition.
- If you have neck pain and are experiencing headaches, vomiting, fever, or wincing at the light, it may be a sign that you have meningitis. It is a severe infection of the membranes around your spinal cord and brain. You need to go to the emergency room immediately for treatments.
Aside from these, it will also benefit you to answer the question “does MSP cover chiropractic care” when choosing your chiropractic practitioner. This way, you can appropriately prepare for your budget.
The chiropractic approach for your neck pain targets the cause rather than treating the symptoms. Remember that there is no surgery or medication through chiropractic procedures. Make sure that you’re aware of what appropriate chiropractic care and treatment can do for your neck pain, including post-alignment care.