
The Dos and Don’ts of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is already quite popular and itseems to ever be on the rise. There are a great many reasons for a given individual to choose to have an elective surgery such as any procedure that falls under the “plastic surgery” category. Contrary to popular belief, there are actually quite a few potential medical reasons to have plastic surgery. One of these medical benefits comes from having a rhinoplasty surgery (a nose job). Sometimes, an individual may choose to have this procedure to alleviate problems caused by a deviated septum or a broken nose. This can help with breathing and sinus problems among other things. Another medical benefit is derived from procedures regarding weight loss. There are many options when it comes to weight loss. There is the gastric bypass, and lap band surgery to aid in the actual weight loss. If you have already lost weight, you may want to consider abdominoplasty also referred to as body contouring or a tummy tuck. This is a procedure to remove excess skin from the abdominal region caused by major weight loss, pregnancy, or age. Whatever reason you choose to have a plastic surgery procedure, there are a few dos and don’ts that you must follow to achieve optimal results. Before undergoing a procedure, it is important to know and understand all of these dos and don’ts which is undoubtedly why you are reading this. I’ve done a ton of research on various websites and most of the best information I gathered was from EsteticaPraga which is what I used to compile most of this data. The prices for plastic surgery procedures have increased significantly over the last years as even young women are considering major cosmetic surgeries likelabiaplasty, breast enlargement, and weight loss procedures.

Do – Take time to thoroughly research surgeons and choose one very carefully. It is vital to the entire process that you fully trust your doctor. During your research be sure to look at all credentials, not just board certification. You should easily be able to view their state certifications and credentials as well as hospital rights and credentials. You should be able to see information about schools attended and degrees. It is also important to look up reviews to try and get a feel for the type of doctor they are. Beyond all of this, set up a consultation with each of your top choices. This will give you an opportunity to see how well you click with each doctor and how comfortable you are with them.

Don’t – While it is very important for your doctor to have all the necessary degrees, accreditations, and credentials, it should not be the only considerations. It is easy to be swayed by all of the certificates on a doctor’s office walls. This is often referred to as “wall candy” and is meant to impress patients. It is a scientific fact that when a person sees all of these certificates and degrees, the brain automatically switches to a state of mind where you see this person as an expert. When the brain sees an expert it automatically trusts that person. Try to ignore all of the “wall candy” and focus on your actual interactions with the doctor. Especially if they cannot take the time to meet with you personally. This is a very bad sign and no matter how much wall candy they have, this would likely not be a good match.

Do – Make sure that you fully understand the entire process of your procedure. What you need to do or not do beforehand, what will happen during the procedure, and how to take care of yourself after. If you do not understand any aspect of the process, do not hesitate to ask questions. If one question does not fully clarify, ask as many as it takes. Keep in mind that this is your body and your decision, never go into any kind of surgery with doubts clouding your thoughts. If you are not satisfied with the answer you receive, you have two options. One you can do your own research and learn as much as possible. Two, you can find a new doctor that will take the time to make sure you understand and are comfortable.

Don’t – When a person has children, it is a given that these children go with the parent most places. While there are always certain places that you do not take your children, doctor offices are seldom a part of this list. It may be because it is difficult to find childcare or perhaps because there doesn’t seem to be a reason for them not to be there. Whatever the reason, most people take their children when going to a doctor appointment. However, it is a distinctly bad idea to take children that are young enough to need to stay right with you to a plastic surgery consultation. It makes it difficult to concentrate and be fully involved in the consultation. Children are also often disruptive. Unless a child is old enough to sit quietly in the waiting area while you are in the office, you should not take your child(ren) with you.

Do – Often times, people choose to go to appointments alone and sometimes that is the best option. However, this is not necessarily the case when it comes to your consultations and appointment preparing for a plastic surgery appointment. With that being said, it is a very good idea to take a trusted friend, a spouse, or another family member with you. This way you can compare note later. The other person may be able to pick up on things that you miss, take notes, ask questions you didn’t think of, etc.

Don’t – You should never choose a surgeon based solely on the recommendation of a friend or family member. Always, always do your own research and choose a doctor that fits your personal criteria. Just because a particular surgeon was the best match for someone else, does not mean it will be a perfect match for you. Even if the other person is very close to you, very similar to you, or is a blood relation. There is a very small chance that the same doctor will be right for two people. That is not to say that it is impossible. Only that you should make very sure that any given surgeon is that right one for you before committing.

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