Rosacea is a skin condition that mostly affects adult men and women, where the blood vessels of face expand ensuing in a blushed appearance – but not necessarily in a good way. The face is the number one part of the body that not only tells others what we are feeling but also affects how we feel about ourselves. Rosacea is an involuntary condition that some of us are forced to live with but the good news is that there are things that can be done to either treat it or reduce the impact it has both on one’s face as well as one’s self-esteem. One of the ways of controlling and managing this condition is using natural face moisturizers, particularly those meant for the condition. Below you’ll find a few pointers on what to consider to have not only a beautiful day but also a peaceful life if you have this condition.
People may have rosacea but not every person who has the condition will benefit from the same moisturizer, even if it’s meant to manage the condition. People have different skins and albeit one moisturizer for rosacea may work for one person, it may not necessarily give the same positive results for another. That’s why doing a little research, looking around, and comparing the various moisturizers available for rosacea is a good thing. But what should you be looking for?
Skin doctors or dermatologists have come up with facial moisturizers that particularly relieve and diminish the symptoms and signs of rosacea. They have discovered specific ingredients that calm and soothe your skin to get rid of the blushing like redness that shows up due to irritation. If you are disciplined enough to the degree of using these moisturizers religiously, i.e. on a daily basis, the results will be so impressive that even you won’t realize that you have the condition.
The best natural face moisturizers for those suffering from rosacea will contain things like glycerin, mineral oils, chamomile, green tea, aloe, and butter. These ingredients are meant to soothe, moisturize, and heal your skin. You should also consider moisturizers that protect you from the harmful rays of the sun. Something with SPF 15 and above will serve you well. These are the things you should be looking for but there are also things that you should look for so that you avoid them. These include alcohol, Hazel, peppermint, menthol fragrance, astringents, exfoliating agents, and eucalyptus oil. Individuals with rosacea naturally have sensitive skin. These ingredients are normally irritating and will be detrimental to the sensitive skin.
Once you’ve found something you think will work for you, first consult with your dermatologist to be on the safe side and then try it out on your hands or another area apart from your face. The aim here is to confirm how your skin will react with the cream. Apply on a small area so that in case of any anomalous results, there won’t be any serious damage.
One more thing, there are cases when an individual may have rosacea that’s accompanied by acne. If this is you, you may be tempted to use acne products to treat your condition. Please, by all means, don’t do this. Rosacea is a different condition from acne and while you may be treating one condition, you may also be worsening the other. If you have both acne and rosacea, consult your dermatologist about the best way to handle your situation.
Just because you have rosacea, it doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the world. No one really knows the main culprit behind the condition but what we do know is that the condition has been around for a while and people have lived comfortably with it. In fact, there are people you’ve met in the streets and other settings, who have the condition, but you didn’t realize it because of how well they’ve become at managing it. Yes, it demands some discipline and financial investment, but the result is worth it. Heed the above pointers regarding the best moisturizers for rosacea, and you are sure to find a moisturizer that’s perfect especially for you.