
The Benefits of Using Rosehip Oil for Your Beauty Regimen

Rosehip seed oil is highly touted as a “miracle oil” and highly sought after as a form of skin care treatment and for good reason. It has been used since the olden times by ancient civilisations like the Egyptians, Mayans and the Native Americans due to its’ beneficial effect on the skin.

So what exactly are these benefits?

Skincare products can do your skin much good. For one thing, Rosehip oil is rich in Omega 3 (linolenic acid) and omega 6 (linoleic acid) fatty acids that hydrate and rejuvenate the skin.

Rosehip oil is also rich in phytosterols, which is known to stimulate collagen production within our cells, thus helping with wrinkles and fine lines. The high concentration of Vitamin C makes Rosehip Oil an excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, leaving skin renewed and brighten. It is also rich in pro-vitamin A – beta-carotene – which is a precursor of vitamin A, which encourages the cellular regeneration deep in the foundations of our skin, leaving firmer looking skin. All these ingredients can help invigorate the skin, increase hydration levels and reduce the appearance of fine lines and dull skin.

The amazing benefits reaped from the above ingredients are what make Rosehip oil a sought after product in any woman’s’ skin care regimen. To better understand what the latter can do for you, it would be best to go over a few specific applications where Rosehip oil does remarkably well.

The beneficial effects of Rosehip oil on the skin

Improves complexion

Rosehip oil is excellent for rejuvenating and revitalising worn out and dull-looking skin due to its high levels of Vitamin C. Its high beta-carotene and antioxidant properties assist in rejuvenating the skin and give it a healthy and radiant looking glow.

Holds back skin ageing

Studies show that rosehip oil can reverse the appearance of early aging signs by enhancing skin elasticity, tone, and texture. This effect of rosehip oil is credited to its vitamin and fatty acid composition, which stimulates collagen production. Fine lines and wrinkles were all found to decrease in time with the application of rosehip oil and contributes towards a smoother and healthier looking skin.

Treatment for Dermatitis and Eczema

Rosehip oil is an excellent natural moisturiser and is fantastic for treating a multitude of dry skin conditions. The Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in Rosehip Oil effectively quench even the driest skin, making it exceptionally efficient in calming signs of eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis. Although it is not approved as a form of medication, applying a couple of drops of rosehip oil on problem areas can have a soothing and healing effect.

Reduces the appearance of scars and stretch marks

Perhaps the most substantial advantage of rosehip oil is its effectiveness in healing scars. Be it scarring from surgery, acne, or burns, rosehip oil can help decrease and improve those scars in time. For example, the essential fatty acids in Kosmea Rosehip Oil aids in skin cellular regeneration, meaning scars or any physical damage to the skin is healed quickly and effectively.

One research study found that routine use of rosehip oil among patients suffering from terrible burns and surgical scarring led to exceptional improvement after a two year period. Researchers credit these effects to the unsaturated essential fatty acids found in rosehip oil.

Rosehip oil also prevents and reduces stretch marks by increasing collagen production and enhancing skin elasticity.

Acne Treatment

Rosehip oil has anti-inflammatory compounds so utilising a few drops every day on acne-prone skin can help with acne breakouts.

Its antimicrobial qualities likewise fend off acne-causing bacteria. However, do note: it is not a great idea to utilise rosehip oil directly on your skin if you’re experiencing an active bout of acne because it can cause inflammation.

Heals sun damage

Rosehip oil is rich in tretinoin, a retinoic acid (vitamin A derivative) that can reverse sun damage on your skin. It can help shed dead skin cells from the outer layer of your skin and restore collagen to fight sunburn and daily sun exposure. Applying rosehip oil on your face and neck after extended sun direct exposure can relieve and relax your skin.

Keep in mind however that rosehip oil is not a sunscreen, and should not be used in place or regular SPF as a form of protection from the sun.

Beneficial Effects of Rosehip Oil on the Hair

Thanks to its fat and antioxidant content, rosehip oil can benefit your hair as well. Just like the way it can intensely hydrate and bring life to dull or dry skin, Rosehip oil can bring moisture and shine back to dry, overprocessed hair.

The essential oil also does well in reducing dandruff and alleviate scalp itching through regular use.

Are there any side effects that you need to worry about?

Remember that there is no advised dosage of rosehip oil. Adverse effects are rare, allergies are possible. A few of the possible side effects include rashes, watery and itchy eyes, dizziness, wheezing, difficulty in breathing, and chest pain. We suggest you do a spot test before adding it to your skin care regimen.

Keep in the mind that rosehip oil may cause gastrointestinal issues and should not be given to kids and pregnant or lactating women. High concentrations of vitamin C can also pose a problem if the oil is inadvertently consumed in any manner.

Final Things To Remember When Using Rosehip Oil

Make sure to purchase rosehip oil that is 100% organic. The pesticides in the non-organic oils might have negative results on your skin. Also, keep in the mind that Rosehip oil is best extracted through cold pressing since it preserves the nutrients necessary to yield the results mentioned above.

If you have any questions, please ask below!