Beauty, Health

10 Amazing Benefits of Ostrich Oil

Egyptians, Romans, and Byzantines used ostrich oil for centuries to treat different diseases and heal wounds during wars. We would share some interesting facts about ostrich oil in this article and highlight the benefits of Ostrich Oil. Ostrich Oil is extracted from ostrich fats and mostly contains triglyceride lipids, which is why its molecular structure is almost similar to the human skin, making it highly effective for external use.

Following are 10 amazing benefits of Ostrich Oil everyone should know:

Rich in Antioxidants

Free radicals break down your skin collagen, resulting in harsh skin pustules, which include wrinkling, fine lines, dark spots, and saggy, loose skin. They also slow down blood circulation in your veins. Ostrich oil is a rich source of antioxidants. When you apply it to your skin, it gets absorbed deeply into your skin and fights free radicals. These antioxidants include carotenoids, flavones, polyphenols, tocopherol, and phospholipids. Applying ostrich oil regularly promotes the growth of collagen cells and improves the overall blood circulation in veins.

Healthy Fatty Acids

Ostrich is composed of saturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Major Fatty acids in it are omega-3, omega 6, and omega 9. These omegas fatty acids are also known as skin-loving fatty acids because of their benefits. Omega fatty acids support the skin membrane and help produce new skin cells, giving skin a very young feel. Omega-3 fatty acids regulate the skin’s oil production, improve balanced hydration and reduce signs of aging. They also help soften rough and dry skins.

Anti-inflammatory and Pain-Relieving Properties

Ostrich Oil also has anti-inflammatory properties because of omega fatty acids. It effectively fights inflammation, which is why it is useful for joints and muscular inflammation, arthritis, sports injuries, and varicose or spider veins. Ostrich Oil is enriched with pain-relieving properties and is used as an organic pain reliever worldwide. In many countries, it is widely used as a massage oil for body aches and muscle stiffness and for healing as well.

Skin Moisturizing

Ostrich oil is one of the most highly penetrative oils in the world. The reason behind this is the omega-3 fatty acid in it. Not only does it absorb instantly into the skin, but also helps other ingredients to be absorbed. With its moisturizing properties, it also softens and nourishes your skin.


Ostrich Oil also has anti-aging properties. Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt, used to incorporate ostrich oil in her daily skincare routine. If applied regularly on the skin, ostrich oil helps prevent wrinkles, reduces fine lines, and gives a youthful appearance. It also helps with disappearing bags under our eyes.

Strengthen Nervous, Immune, and Cardio System

Omega fatty acids in the ostrich oil help regulate blood circulation, heartbeat, and fight inflammation in blood vessels. Therefore, they support strengthening nervous, cardio, and immune systems. Omega fatty acids boost metabolism and the overall healing process. It also helps antibodies fight bacteria and viruses.

Hypoallergenic and Non-comedogenic

Ostrich Oil does not cause any allergic reaction, which makes it hypoallergenic. People with sensitive skin can also enjoy the benefits of ostrich oil. Along with being hypoallergenic, it is also non-comedogenic, so it does not block skin pores and helps in preventing acne.

Effective for Skin Disorders

Ostrich Oil, due to its excellent moisturizing properties, has been proven effective for dry skin conditions, which include eczema and rosacea. Omegas fatty acids in the ostrich oil help to hydrate and soften the dry and chapped skin. Plus, it also supports the growth of new skin cells. It also provides relief from itchiness and redness of the skin. It also helps heal and deal with bug bites, blisters, sunburns, or minor cuts. With ostrich oil, you can get relief from pain, redness, and swelling within a few days. Ostrich oil can also fade stretch marks and aging spots.

Conditions Hair Naturally

Ostrich oil is also a natural conditioner and revitalizes our hair. It is moisturizing abilities enable it to penetrate deeper into the roots and reduce hair fall. Ostrich oil also helps restore natural shine. Its anti-aging and nourishing properties can delay the hair greying process and give our hair a youthful appearance instead.

Joints and Bones Health

Ostrich oil has a history of thousands of years and it was used to treat joints and bone diseases. Ostrich oil was also used to cure fractured bones and joints, including war wounds, for thousands of years. Omega fatty acids (3, 6, & 9) in ostrich oil help fight inflammation and regulate blood circulation, which is necessary for smooth joints’ movements.

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