Before you shop for health insurance, you have to make sure that you get all the facts straight. It is not as easy as ordering something online where you can just mindlessly click “buy” and wait for it to be delivered to your doorstep. If you are interested in buying a health insurance plan in 2017, then you have to choose the right plan for you.
There is nothing worse than having a health plan, but still ending up paying a fortune on medical treatment. The following are some of the most important pointers to remember before buying health insurance.
You can get penalized for not having one.
If you are reading up to this point, then you have probably already made up your mind about getting medical insurance. However, if you are still in doubt, then you should know that there are penalties for not getting one. Getting covered will save you a lot of money down the road since you will not have to pay fees on top of your bills should you require medical attention.
There are different types of health insurance.
HMO, PPO, HAS- you will often see these acronyms thrown around, which will most definitely confuse any first time insurance buyer. These health programs vary differently from one another which is why you must know exactly what each of them are in order for you to select the best plan for yourself.
The claim process is an important factor to consider.
Knowing how efficient your insurance provider is in settling insurance claims is important. You need to be sure that the insurer pays on time, otherwise you could be the one to pay for your treatment out-of-pocket.
Medical checkup coverage.
If you already have a doctor that you prefer, you need to check to see if they belong to the insurer’s network of health care providers. Otherwise, you may need to pay for each consultation yourself.
Not all plans will honor your insurance policy.
If you have to go to a specific hospital, be it for personal reasons or medical reasons, then you should make sure that they are part of your health insurance network. The policy will show you a list of hospitals and treatment centers that you can choose from, if you want your insurance policy to shoulder the costs, or at least a portion of the cost.
Knowing these facts will prevent confusion in your search for an insurance policy. You don’t want to be in the same situation as those people that were featured on the Jimmy Kimmel Show who did not even know what a health insurance “premium” is. Do your homework, compare your options, and decide on a health plan that suits your needs and budget.