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Gun Safety: Opinions of Characters from “Friends” TV Show

Gun safety is an important matter to talk about, though it can be quite a sensitive subject that others aren’t able to fully grasp. That is why one of the best ways to talk about the seriousness of gun safety is to relate it to how your favorite characters from tv shows explain it. And in this infographic I made, we see the funniest and natural characters from FRIENDS to explain the importance of gun safety in the world today.

I’m sure a lot of you have heard of FRIENDS! This is a timeless television show that has captured the hearts of millions of people worldwide, from Chandler’s sarcasm down to Ross and Rachel’s love story. After all, who wouldn’t want to follow the antics of these six friends in New York? But of course, not only would they care about what’s happening in their daily lives. They also know how to talk about the sensitive topics like gun safety.

You’ll laugh and totally relate to how they explain what gun safety is and what they think about it. As you read what they have to think, you’ll probably hear their voices and enunciation! It’s such an awesome way for these lovely characters to keep up with the times.

You’ll learn a ton of lessons about gun safety from these characters. It helps you get a new perspective (or in this case, six!) on the responsibility of owning a gun. It all boils down to being serious about purchasing a gun and how to keep it safe.

As long as you keep it in a safe space and are aware of when to use it, then you’ll have no problem.

So if you are thinking about owning a gun, then why not see what the characters from FRIENDS think about it first? Enjoy!


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