Microbreweries are popping up throughout the United States, offering the appeal of a craft beer in a relaxing atmosphere. In a world driven by large corporations, these small venues are also finding financial success; so, if you love making beer and visiting with neighbors, this could be a career for you. Consider these for tips to make your own brewery successful.
Have a Kids Zone
Many couples want to get out and enjoy some adult time, and today’s generation does not shy away from having a drink in front of the kids. Therefore, don’t shut the door on inviting children into the bar. Designate a play area inside the brewery. Purchase games, blocks, and maybe even a television. Add a small love seat for sitting and play some cartoons or a movie. Parents can watch their little ones from the table, and (best of all) you are encouraging play time with others.
Use Business Software
If you are not sure how well your products are selling, then consider investing in forecasting software. This program helps track what items clientele purchase the most as well as what may not be a hit. Use it to determine which beers need to be bumped up in quantity. You don’t want to run out of your customers favorite brew. It could also help look at what drinks fit the children best. Offer slushies, juice and sodas; however, you don’t want to extend yourself too much. After a month or so, evaluate which flavors or drinks sell best for the kids and which ones make you the most money. Narrow it down to a few. That should limit your overhead.
Plan Events
During the weekends, occasionally plan some activities. Rent some inflatables for the day, have a show brought in, or offer some trivia competitions. Keep patrons in the seats. The electronics can go away, and the board games can hit the table. It’s time for some wholesome fun.
Arrange for Food
Ask the local restaurants to partner with your business. Most breweries don’t cook food; however, the customers (particularly those little ones) get hungry. Don’t lose customers because the kids get hangry. Instead, offer a selection from your next door partners. The parents can sit and enjoy another drink while the little ones munch on nachos or fries.
It’s never too late to find your dream. Just make sure you do your homework, and understand how to make it flourish.