While a career in education can be demanding, it can also be personally fulfilling. There are a wide variety of occupations you can explore to match your ambition, personality and skillset, which could range from a career as a teacher to a school administrator.
If you like the idea of helping students to flourish and grow, but you’re unsure if it’s the right path for you, here are the biggest reasons to work in the education sector.
Personal Fulfilment
It doesn’t matter if you’re a teacher, administrator, guidance counselor, or a teaching assistant, your actions will make a positive difference to the lives of students and can support a school’s standards. For example, you might have an opportunity to instill knowledge, offer student support or resolve problems for staff, which could provide you with a sense of satisfaction once the working day is done.
A Stable Schedule
If you want a job that provides set working hours, an educational occupation might be perfect for your needs. The strict schedule means you can arrive and leave work at the same time every day, so it won’t impact your personal life. It isan ideal option for people raising families or who have a busy social life.
Multiple Job Opportunities
Educational careers also offer much room for advancement. For example, teachers could potentially climb the academic ladder to become a headteacher. While school administrators or teachers could train to become a licensed guidance counselor by enrolling on school counseling programs online, and they can then provide unrivaled support to students throughout the years.
Close Working Relationships
Every professional at a school will need to work in harmony to exceed an institution’s standards and to effectively support students both inside and outside of a classroom. Communication and co-operation is, therefore, key to each member of staff’s success.
As you will be working in close proximity with various teachers, counselors, administrators, and cleaners, you can guarantee you will form strong relationships with your co-workers, which could provide greater job satisfaction.
Superb Job Security
Even when the economy takes a turn for the worst, it is unlikely a teacher, counselor, or an administrator will lose their job. Both public and private school systems are often eager to retain their top talent, which is why you can enjoy superb job security. You might even be offered multiple professional development opportunities to help you advance in your career and improve your skillset.
Fantastic Summer Breaks
As most schools in the US will enjoy a long summer break, it will provide you with an opportunity to kickback, relax and spend quality time with your loved ones. The big break away could help you to successfully recharge your batteries every year and focus 100% of your attention on your nearest and dearest.
So, you could book a vacation, catch-up with old friends, or spend many a week relaxing at home with your family. However, the summer break dates will be determined by your region and state.