It is true when the call of Kailash Satyarthi goes “Childhood means simplicity. Look at the world with the child’s eye – it is very beautiful.”
Photography gives shape to the human perception. Children behold everything via the unique lens. The curious minds always try to create the illusion of existence in the world.
Photography is a vital part of life. Without it, one cannot capture the beauty of the moments and make them unforgettable. Even, people will forget their childhood and past images without the presence of photography.
Photography is something more than a forum for factual communication of various ideas. It is preferably a creative art. Children’s perspective is different from the adults.
Some incredible ideas to mobilize the child’s creativity via photography:
- Appreciate photography
Visit the library with your child. Collect some photography books. Discuss about the artists, life stories, show their photos and arts to the kid. Don’t make it monotonous.
- Buy a basic camera
Photography is not possible without a camera. But, your child is a novice. So, don’t spend too much on camera and lens. A simple digital camera is all he/she needs.
- Motivation
Kids are immature. They don’t make sense of everything like the adults. They make mistakes. Don’t give up. Encourage them. Make them understand that failure is the step towards success.
- Experiment
Ask your child to try different filters, settings, colors, perspectives, etc.
- A mixture of theory and practice
70% practical and 30% theory – This is the exact proportion of teaching the kids about photography. Ask them to shoot pictures of various things. Take their feedback. Check those images. Give them your decision. Sit with a pen and paper to correct their mistakes and tell them how they can shoot better pictures. Then, ask them to click the same things with the correction as mentioned earlier.
- Camera parts
It is useless if you dodge the training on camera components. Teach the youngsters about the various camera parts and its specific uses.
- Simplification
Do not complicate things. Your kids are innocent with minds like water. They will take the shape of the teachings you provide. Therefore, complicated things can make them more confused and less interested. Make them understand the single concept in a simple way. Then, gradually move towards the tight sections.
- Basics come first
“Fill the frame” and “Rule of Thirds” are the most significant concepts of photography. The theory helps to join the two ideas into a whole unit. But, simplify it by working on a single session at a time. Start with “Fill the frame” concept and teach how to erase distractions. After accomplishing the idea, move to the next segment.
- Repeat
You have to do the same thing repeatedly if you wish to become a master of it. Make your child try several times until he/she succeeds. When the baby starts taking photographs efficiently, ask him/her to take more of similar shoots in various methods.
- Fun contest
Gather more children from your neighborhood and set a photography contest. It should be full of fun and entertainment. Give rewards to the best child photographer.
- Never stop
You are the idol of your child. Your kids grow up seeing your lifestyle. Never give up on them. Invest and inspire them to be creative artists. One day, he/she might become the most successful photographer. Give them the opportunity.
- Respect the child’s perspective
We know that children have the child-like viewpoints on the life aspects. But, we must not underestimate them. We must be patient and friendly to make them understand the flaws of their opinions. Plus, it’s our duty to teach them how things work from other perspectives that they are not thinking and how photographs can turn into masterpieces with the evolved panorama.
Therefore, don’t just give them a camera and leave them for exploration. Photography will develop the kids’ sensitivity, intuition, and visual awareness. Be their shadow in every step of photography. Present them the magic of arts-science fusion. Let them discover, design and capture the magnetism of photography. The fine art of observation turned into passion matures into an obsession. Make your child frame the enlivened world through the lens and create memories.