
Top-5 Business Books You Need to Read While Still at College

Business students often reveal a disenchanting discrepancy between their expectations and the reality of college life. Those who wanted to launch a startup on day one of their studies soon realize that they lack the vital skills, knowledge, and free time to completely engage in such an undertaking. But we have good news for such active businesspersons.

It’s easier to gain practical knowledge and expertise quicker if you learn from other people’s examples (and mistakes). Thus, reading popular business books can speed up your education and give you an upper hand in launching a successful business early.

Expert personal statement writers share some tips about the books that should be on every business student’s shelf as guidance and inspiration. Read on to see which ones you have already read, and grab the rest from eBay.

The Lean Startup

The modern world is changing fast, and every businessperson’s task is to analyze the environment dynamically and make appropriate decisions to fit the market context. This book of Eric Ries teaches students lean manufacturing principles step by step, with theory and practice involved.

The most important practical skill that students can derive from this book is the build-measure-learn algorithm of startup arrangement. It may become a vital tool for perfectionists who delay a business launch because they fear mistakes. Thus, by applying the principles from this book, every student will be able to adopt a flexible business mindset and function effectively in an environment of innovation and agility.

The Innovator’s Dilemma

The modern obsession with technology creates a false impression that you are doomed to business success if you stuff your operations with innovative tools. In fact, business success rarely equates to innovation, as much more stands behind a memorable, appealing business model. Clayton M. Christensen explores the impact of technology on businesses and discusses the potential implications of thoughtless technology integration.

Thus, you can learn much about achieving a proper balance of technological innovation and human factors in your business venture, thus getting a practical algorithm for business development.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Though this book of Dale Carnegie doesn’t relate to business directly, it teaches the fundamental communication skills and shares a unique mindset of the author that helped millions of people achieve personal and business success. The book represents Carnegie’s thorough analysis of world leader biography analysis, serving as a comprehensive guide on what makes a leader.

The author focuses on the people’s personal traits, qualities, and attitudes that make them successful in life and business. So, even if you don’t plan to launch a giant corporation today or tomorrow, you’ll still gain many valuable insights about communicating with peers and achieving your goals.

In Search of Excellence

All students planning a startup want to make their business success as the stakes are high. Reading In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best-Run Companies will give you many insights into business success criteria and proper management. The book contains numerous valuable tips on how to serve your customers well, what lies at the basis of employee motivation, and how lean administration can be set up for a flexible, sustainable business.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

This book’s impact on every reader’s life is enormous, as Stephen Covey explores various perspectives of people on their failures and successes, teaching you a transformative mindset. It’s a self-improvement guide that will definitely make your life easier and much more enjoyable, primarily due to a different perspective on your responsibility for your decisions and fears.

The outcome the author promises is a complete paradigm shift – a roadmap you build for the future, including your life and business goals and steps to their achievement.

Why Is Reading Important?

As you can see, top popular books on business condense the decades of practical business experience multiplied by critical insights of the professional businesspeople and analysts who authored them. By getting insights into business practice and theory through books written by business gurus, you always get a unique opportunity to improve your expertise without learning on costly, dreadful mistakes.

So, don’t underestimate the significance of reading as practice indeed makes you stronger, but the theory is where you get inspiration for business practice. Reading the business bestsellers in your free time will give you a breadth of perspectives, unique business insights from top businesspeople of the world, and a ready plan for your business venture.

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