In the present times, education has evolved as the most significant aspect in shaping the career of a person. This requires today’s students to study sincerely and put in all their efforts to shine out with flying colours in studies. This holds especially true for the students of science stream who are to appear for the Board exams. Moreover, the board exams of class 12 in the science stream are extremely important as its results decide the future career path of a student.
Many students of Class 12 science stream face difficulties with the Physics subjects and feel stressed to appear for the Physics CBSE Board exams. However, actually if a student has attended all the lectures of the subject attentively and prepared all the concepts carefully there should not be any cause of worry about it. But as in the case of most of the students this does not hold true. So, now as the exam season is approaching steadfastly, here are some useful tips for doing well in Physics paper of your Class 12 Board Exams:
Study from the right book
Read and prepare from NCERT book as it is highly useful preparation of not only class 12 Board exams but also for various competitive examinations like JEE, NEET, AIIMS etc. which include physics related question as its important part. In many cases, students find it tough to study Physics from NCERT book. If it is so then you may take aid of reference books to help you understand the topics but study only those topics which are given in the NCERT book as the remaining stuff will only help waste your time.
Avoid fear of the subject
There are many students who are weak in Mathematics and feel that as a result they are going to be weak in Physics as well. This is a total misconception and you should stay away from such wrong beliefs. Mathematics and Physics are two totally different subjects altogether and it is very much possible that a student weak in one subject may excel at the other one out of the two. So, if you have a Physics phobia then better remove it to stop affecting you from succeeding in the subject.
Don’t concentrate only on numericals.
Many students think Physics is all about numericals only and devote more than necessary time to prepare for numericals. This is true to some extent but it is not totally like that as in class 12 CBSE Board exams numericals are asked only for 15 marks. So, do not devote all your time to study numericals. Instead concentrate more on the theoretical part of the subject which covers a greater part in the Physics Board examination.
Do regular study of the subject
Learning any subject perfectly needs regular studies with necessary interest, Similarly learning Physics is not like reading it for a day and leaving it unattended for 2-3 days to follow. You need to study the subject regularly and that too by developing the required level of interest in the subject. Unless you develop interest you won’t be propelled to study the subject regularly. So, take interest in Physics and study it regularly for at least about an hour or two on daily basis.
Practise previous years question papers
Gather a few of the past years’ Physics question papers of the Board exams and study them thoroughly. It will give you an idea of the type of questions asked and the difficulty level of the question paper. Solve at least one paper every week one month prior to your Board exams do get a good practice of writing for Physics Board exams. Also, note down the important questions asked repeatedly and prepare them with utmost attention.
Revise the subject thoroughly
Appearing for the Board Physics exams perfectly requires enough time for revision. In fact, revision is the most important aspect for careful preparation of the subject as it is crucial for appearing the exams successfully. Complete the entire study of the subject by December so that you can keep the time from January onwards only for the repetitive revision of the subject. Keep revising the subject thoroughly so that you remember it until the last minute and can reproduce the exact copy of the original manuscript in the Board exams.
It is advisable to follow the above mentioned tips for a careful and well planned preparation of class 12 Board Physics exams. Following these tips would surely ensure your grand success in Physics exams which shall open the doors of your bright career in future.