“Reader’s Digest” recently interviewed principals from all parts of the country, and what they said may shock you. There are things that your child’s principal wants you to know but, for one reason or another, simply can’t tell you. Here are just some examples of what the principal may be thinking as you sit sweating in her office.
1.That Teacher is Terrible
If you don’t like your child’s teacher, don’t assume that the principal does. Principals have a keen insight into what makes a good teacher. If your complaint holds water, you can bet that the principal is on your side. Unfortunately, she may be relegated to smiling and nodding while you complain.
2.We Know Your Secrets
Younger children have difficulty discerning what is okay to share. If your child has heard you and your spouse getting frisky, expect his teacher to know about it. Do you swear like a trucker? Your child’s class has heard vivid examples.
3.Your Child Has Been Pod Snatched
If your child’s teacher calls to inform you of bad behavior, you can bet the behavior occurred. Teachers have enough on their plate without having to call you to discuss your child’s attitude problem. The child you have at home is rarely the one seen in school.
4.Your Kid is a Liar
It’s a simple fact: Children lie. Whether it is out of fear of disappointing you, or for another reason altogether, don’t tell the principal that your child would never lie. Trust is a great thing, and it’s an important factor in your relationship with your child. Just remember: Your kid’s teacher isn’t out to get him, nor is she making up tall tales.
5.Lay Off the Spanking
If a child strikes others, it invariably starts at home. Children are not born knowing violence; it is something that is taught at home. If your child is displaying aggression of any type in the classroom, he has learned his behavior from you. It’s time to change your parenting technique.
6.We Know That You Did the Project
Principals and teachers know what children are capable of. A first-grader does not have a mechanical engineering degree. Never think that you’re pulling one over on anyone when you do your child’s homework; everyone knows.
7.I Am Not on the Job 24 Hours a Day
Nothing is more annoying than the parent who wants to discuss their child during a basketball game or school play; except the parent who wants to discuss their child when they run into the principal in public. If you want to talk about your child, schedule an appointment.
8.Dislike is Not a Reason for a Classroom Change
Get over yourself. Because you or your child don’t like his teacher this year does not give ample reason for a room change. There are things in this life that people don’t like. Think of this as a lesson in learning how to make lemonade out of lemons.
9.Those Who Can’t Do, Teach: Baloney
Teachers have been dismissed for years. The truth is this: Every teacher is in the profession because they were called to it. Your child’s teacher isn’t some misfit that couldn’t find another job. She went through years of schooling to be able to give your child the best education possible.
10.We’re Not the Parent
No matter what you think, teachers and principals are not responsible for parenting your children. If you refuse to do the job, don’t call to complain when the school staff has to step in. Teach your children social skills, teach them to brush their teeth, and feed them breakfast; it’s the least you can do.
As you’re sitting across from your child’s principal, you no longer have to wonder what she is thinking. If you remember anything, remember this: Your child’s principal is invested in his education, she’s not there to make your life or the life of your child more difficult. Look to your child’s principal as a cooperative partner in your child’s success.
Britney Marie Chan is a full-time education blogger. If you are interested about the top 25 schools for online education, administration and leadership degrees, click here.