Digitalising of schools has become a fast-growing trend. From chalkboards to an interactive whiteboard, notebooks to tablets, classes have now been transformed.
New technologies have changed the experience of old schools and have wavered the pen paper method of teaching to digitally interactive and advanced classrooms.
“Parents are now more keen to admit their child to a digital school rather than an old-school” studies suggest. They are interested in raising digitally aware and technologically fast kids who can be at par with the international competition.
It goes with the schools as well. To stay ahead in the era of technological advancement and educate the coming generation with the present and future schools are adopting the 3D model and digitalising their education process.
Now, how the digitalisation of classrooms is helping kids is essential to understand. Unlike the traditional classes where the pace of learning, the method of teaching and environment of classrooms remained constant, in digital classrooms, it became easier to approach individual student within a single room where each student learned at his own pace and syllabus can be customised as per students understanding.
Many argue as to how students learn better in model classrooms. So here is why they need it to understand how the digital classes help them.
- Unlike traditional schools and information sources, today information to students is available from multiple sources. This call for a wiser judgement ability to differentiate between what is the fact and what is made up. Our education system today is not limited to material books or classrooms. It’s far beyond and much more with media influencing every aspect of our lives. So students have to learn the ability to extract actual information and disregard unuseful material or content.
- Since our lives are becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex, our minds require analytical thinking and critical examination of situations to handle multiple, critical cases at a time. With use of technology it becomes easier to communicate, connect, explore and expand numerous possibilities helping the child to grow exponentially.
- With the evolution of technology and instant marketing of almost anything, to be able to learn and adapt faster is crucial. Technology offers this medium to learn and grow and helps kids develop their grasping power and improve or polish their skills with global exposure.
Given this, it seems noteworthy to accept the changing world and its requirement and to train our coming generations with the best.
The 3D visualisation tools have added to the digital concept model schooling. The brain tends to remember things that it can see or visualise. Thus, making visualisation an integral aspect of learning. Shifting focus from traditional learning modules to 3D visualisation learning has increased the pace of learning and has made teaching more fun and easy.
The 3D visualisation tools help to virtually inhibit the subject matter or project the content of subject in 3D which allows students to see it as if it was present in the class. For example, in a biology class, students learning about the functions of heart by actually seeing how the heart looks, works and functions on a 3D virtual module will help them understand it better and memorise it faster.
Let us now look into the benefits of 3D visualisation tool
- When the students can visualise educational content and see it from every angle, they tend to learn faster and understand better than simple images in books
- Content for every subject is presented in a three-dimensional format, which makes it easier for students to connect and associates with the item
- It helps create curiosity among students to learn and explore more
- Teaching and explaining things become more natural, and concepts are more clear even for complex topics
- Students even learn how to make science, biology or physics projects using the 3D environment
Schools looking for an excellent 3D visualisation tool can benefit from all above advantages by using the FieldAp. It is one of the best 3D visualisation software solution that digital schools can easily customise and implement for both their learning and teaching purpose.
Benefits of using the FieldAp
- Easy to customise as per individual class or subject or curriculum
- Extensive 3D library content to support the tool
- Full technical support
- Constant updating and maintenance support
Digitalisation is at present the need to develop a better future that is full of innumerable possibilities and opportunities. Thereby making 3d modelling and digitizing of old-school processes a must.