You've probably heard the statistic that for every minute of the day we upload an hours' worth of video to Youtube, but did you also know that we create 2.5 quintrillion bytes of data? According to IBM "90% of the data in the world today has been created in the […]
A Dummy Run for Successful Online Shoppers
An article looking at the increasing popularity of online shopping for clothes and how to make sure made-to-measure clothes fit perfectly. Everybody loves getting something new, after all, we don’t call it retail therapy for nothing. New clothes, new shoes, new handbag… even the smallest purchase can put a smile […]
What Not To Do when Parking Your Car
We have all seen those types of people that park carelessly, earning them the label, “a bad parker.” Maybe they park poorly on purpose to make a statement. Maybe they do not remember learning in Drivers Ed that you can’t park in front of a driveway, intersection, or on a […]
The Highest Demanded Jobs In The U.S.
Despite unemployment rates remaining steady at around 7.5 percent as of April 2013, there are still industries that maintain a high demand of available jobs. If you hold certain skills, experience, and a level of education, you could find yourself coming into your dream job at just the right time. […]
Careers in Transportation that Don't Require a CDL
Not every career in the transportation industry requires a CDL (Commercial Driver's License). For those who don't want to or cannot drive the big rigs, there may still be a place for you in the transportation industry. While all jobs in transportation require an understanding of how the industry works, it is […]
Cloud Storage Selection Tips for Small Businesses
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the majority of new businesses are no longer in operation five years after being founded. The reasons for such a high failure rate among small business are the result of a number of factors, from poor management to overall marketplace conditions. But modern businesses […]
What a Retiree Should Do When Planning an Extended Stay Abroad
The golden years have arrived and you're feeling good. You've done what you needed to do during your working years to put a few dollars away that give you the opportunity many people dream of: Traveling at your leisure. You have time and resources at your disposal to spend as much time […]
Signs That You Are Sabotaging Your Own Marketing
By Mark Combs, In spite of all your marketing efforts, it seems your labor has been in vain. You have tried new mediums, messages, even new target groups, but nothing has produced the results you wanted. You have looked at the numbers and there just isn't any ROI to be […]
Management Advice From People Like Richard Branson
Richard Branson, the founder and chairman of Virgin Group, is the owner of 400 companies. A self-made billionaire, the serial entrepreneur regularly shares his business knowledge and advice in newspaper columns and magazine articles, parting his pearls of wisdom about business management. And the best thing about Richard Branson´s advice […]
Strategies for Murder Defence
Everyone is familiar with the word murder. Due to the popularity of different crime shows, this has become a commonly used word. However, if you ask the general people about the definition of murder, most may admit ignorance. Murder refers to unlawful taking life of a human being. Unlike US, […]
How to Source New Talent for Your Retail Business?
In the retail industry, finding and sourcing the right retail staff is a constant challenge. The cyclical nature of the industry, combined with a challenging economic climate, means that most retailers are seeking as much flexibility from their workforce as possible and often using temporary, seasonal, part-time or contract workers.When […]
Key Rules For Successful IT Change Management
Any type of organizational change requires purpose and intent. However, meeting the challenge requires more than just good planning and execution. Managing change in times when everything is constantly evolving requires companies to treat change as an enduring process that overlaps and never ends. This means, expecting change and knowing […]