

In Business, the Purpose of Knowledge Is Action

When considering how knowledge affects personal decision making and reasoning, we need to understand what knowledge is and how it relates to information. We distinguish between knowledge and information by recognizing that they are fundamentally different. Information consists of data organized to characterize a particular situation, condition, context, challenge, or opportunity. Knowledge consists of […]


How Business People Make Decisions?

We need to understand that people prefer to think, make decisions, and act in ways that are natural and convenient for them. They like to feel that any decision can be made and implemented in an easy, manageable, and acceptable manner and that it will be the "best way" to […]


How to Prepare a Good Business Budget

Preparing a good business budget is an essential step for the success of any business. Not only an effective budgeting strategy influences long-term development for the company but also establishes solid relationships with other business partners and prospective customers. Sales Planning Consider the historical patterns of behavior for your customers, […]


Top Challenges of Successful Enterprises

The evidence is clear that to survive and succeed, enterprises must change their approaches to conduct successful business in the globalized economy. Whereas gradual change has always been required to adapt to new conditions, the pace is now accelerating and incremental change is no longer sufficient. There are many reasons […]


Basic Business Planning Strategies

There are a number of reasons why planning is necessary: 1. The future is not an extension of the past. 2. The rate of change in the marketplace will continue to accelerate. 3. Technological progress is taking place at an extraordinary rate. 4. Regulatory issues require constant attention. 5. Population […]


The Origin and Rise of E-Processes

E-processes effectively rose in the wake of e-finance, which began with the development of several disparate elements, many of which were developed in isolation. As these individual elements progressed, they began to be tied together in networks. As these networks then in turn developed, transforming business models and interactions amongst […]


How E-operations Can Boost Revenues?

Today, there is one idea that is transforming how we conduct business: that idea is e-operations. Once just a theoretical concept discussed by academics, e-operations has now become a core topic at business schools, a key element of some MBA courses, and, more recently, a subject for consideration in popular […]


Top Benefits of Cloud Storage for Your Business

If your business hasn’t started embracing the benefits of cloud storage systems like DropBox yet, then why not? The reality is, cloud storage has become huge in recent years-and it’s not difficult to see why. Let’s first see what is cloud computing. Watch the video below for details:[youtube] Now […]