
Know Your Donors: Here are The Five Things You Should Know About Them

The role of donors is huge when it comes to the reputation and growth of churches and charities; a dwindling number of donors could sometimes be the reason for the dwindling reputation of the nonprofit organization. Also, to keep a track of the donors it is recommended that you buy a donor management system so you can easily track the details and donations made.

Having said this, it can be clearly stated that for any nonprofit to maintain a long-term relationship with the donors it is of utmost importance that they know all the important things about them.

Here are some of the things that the non-profits should know about their donors in order to have a long and stable relationship with them.

  1. Know What Drives Them to Make the Donation: The first thing that the nonprofits should know about their donors is what is drives them to make a donation. There has to be a reason that your donors are donating whatever amount they wish to and the reason for it is exactly what you need to decipher.

The reason could be any specific moment when your donors were completely overwhelmed and planned on donating. This is the point in a person’s experience with a certain product when its value becomes noticeable to them. Nonprofits and charities need to know these moments to calculate exactly what makes the donor donate.

  1. How They Like to Be Engaged: Being in constant touch with the donors is very important for a long-term relationship with them; however, very donor has his choice of engagement medium and that needs to be followed.

There could be a donor who might prefer to be in touch with you through phone, while there could be another who prefers mail, as a nonprofit organization it becomes your duty to know what is your donor’s preferred medium of engagement. Also, it is recommended that you always have a backup for the chosen medium if you cannot be available on the same for some reason.

  1. Where Do the Donors Come From Understanding your audience’s goals, communication style, and common objections can bring a marvelous value to your marketing efforts. But the most important thing to understand about your donors is where the best ones come from.

This means that you should know the channels from which you draw the most number of donors. This means that if you get the most number of referrals you should focus on that, meanwhile also focusing on the channels where you’re lacking.

By tracking the channel source of donors in your nonprofit software, you can run a report that quickly shows where you should concentrate your efforts.

  1. Why Do They You’re Different: Next thing that your church, charity or nonprofit should know is what is it that you donors think is different about you and why they’re choosing you over all the other options made available to them to make quick donations.

Donors both young and old want to support organizations and causes they believe are effective not only for the current time period but also in the longer run. Instead of receiving an invitation to a gala, they would prefer to read stories about the results their contributions helped realize.

Therefore, it is recommended that you give your donors regular updates where their money has been spent and how it has benefitted anyone who needed to.

  1. What Stops Them from Making New Donations:

The last but definitely the least on the list that the nonprofits need to know is what makes the donor stop taking interest in your work and ultimately to stop making donations for your organization.

If anything like this happens it is recommended that you get in touch with them over mail and let them know how you donations helped and how their last donation was brought into use.

These are all the necessary things that the nonprofits should know about their donors to maintain the longest relationship and to continue getting donations.

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