
Market Yourself Before Your Brand

Marketing is what you do to make sure your brand reaches out to a targeted audience in the best possible ways. You can market your brand in many ways – it has a lot of types and yeah you really need to think of how and which strategy do you want to use for it. Just, fyi, there are more than 150 marketing strategies in the modern day world. I’ll be completely honest with you – there is literally no point spending gazillions on any of those techniques if you are an arse yourself. Today, let’s not ponder over how you should brand your business but yourself!

Why should I even consider branding myself?

When you talk about your brand, especially in its budding stage – the people around you would judge and like or dislike your product as per their feelings for you. Yes, it is wrong and totally un-cool but this is just how it is. Deal with it. shrugs

See, there is a reason office has a particular dress code – they want their employees to look professional and stand out from the crowd. Some offices even have an age limitation – they like to keep young people only so that the world takes them as a team filled with zeal, passion, and youth. But most importantly, have you ever observed a business tycoon? Or a teacher? Or literally anyone with a job or a career ahead of them? Everyone likes to allure people and make them think they need someone like them in their organization. There are some very simple tricks and today, let’s check them out.

Note, that these would help you in both – impressing your audience to promote your brand or just normally presenting yourself as a charismatic human being. By the end of this writing – you’d know how to make the world want more of you every second.

Walk the Talk

So you want everyone to know and understand how important your brand is? How big a part it can play in the lives of the targeted audience?

You can only show that to others by being a good face to your brand. You need to be careful about the opinions you make and try not hurting others with your words or actions. If you are like that jerk who likes to piss people off than no one would support or even bother paying much attention to you in the long run. In fact, people might take out their anger on you by badmouthing your brand just because of you.

Look high and Stay Determined

There would be ups and downs, people will criticize you before, with or after your brand. You would get many pieces of advice not to dwell into entrepreneurial-ship because oh it’d be so difficult, no one thinks like that, there are already so many firms working on it. Relax, breathe. It would get better – the early steps are always a bit harder to climb. One thing you need to do is keep going, no need to look back to check how many steps you’ve climbed – just keep climbing. Keep your eyes on the goal and march as high up in the sky as possible. The key factor that would help you throughout this is your undying determination.

Dress to Impress

By this, I do not in any way mean that you ought to wear expensive clothes and ornaments to go with them. No, just keep yourself impressive by having a good hygiene. Wash your hair, trim your nails and oh please do remember to brush your teeth. Be a clean person and have a well-groomed personality. People are attracted to perfection and a good hygiene happens to make that possible in humans.

Know your Cue

You need to know when to talk and when to just let things be. Do go crazy talking about your brand with everyone and just anyone. You can’t force yourself or your brand on others. That is totally not how things work, right?

Forcing is rape and you don’t want to give that idea to your customer. Okay? Pick up the cues around you. If you feel like people might not like you yapping about your success or job or anything at all just play it cool. Let them talk. Listen and observe them so that you can aim at them with class and confidence. If anyone told you something bad about your brand, smile and ask for suggestions. Don’t lash out at them, don’t explain – just listen. Rants are as common as farts – people just have to push them out of their systems.

Social Presence is your Essence

Be a highlight socially – not an attention seeking machine but someone who attracts people via words and just appearing on social media. Yes, no publicity is bad publicity but that goes for a very minimum percentage of our population. Be respectful and charming socially. Don’t go about fighting for no reason just to be recognized as a social rant-er. You are way better than that! Plus, your brand depends on you too.

Countenance for all

Your face expressions matter! Don’t look at people like you are going to eat them up. Playing cool means you smile and make sure no crinkles form on your forehead or over your nose. People notice how one acts under pressure, don’t give anyone a hint about your mood being bad. Be the happy person everyone wants to have by their side. Win the world with your intellect and good will.

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