
Basic Brand Awareness Strategies

customer-loyaltyRaising brand awareness is not difficult if a combination of the traditional and nouveau methods are employed to accomplish the task. Marketing methods for building brand awareness are endless, only limited by the creativity you employ when you're building your brand awareness strategy. We'll get into more advanced methods of building brand awareness later, but for now let's start with the basics!

1. Promote Your Brand on the Internet

You can promote your brand and product on numerous websites as a part of your brand awareness strategy. When interested parties view the advertisement, they will be able to learn enough to be enticed to buy. There are two basic ways to accomplish your goal of building brand awareness. The first way is through blogging, and the second is through a product website.

Blogging is used to establish your company as an authority in the industry and to drive traffic to a primary website with detailed information about the product. When the company is established as an authority, more people will have faith that your product or service will perform as stated. The D2 Branding and Marketing in Tulsa agency specializes in branding and marketing. They will navigate to your website to buy when you have mastered the art of raising brand awareness.

2. Advertise Through Traditional Media

Advertise through television, print, or billboards. There is nothing that beats the exposure of a good advertisement on television, newspaper, or billboard. More people can see and buy your product if you properly position your brand in front of the proper audience. For billboards, choose major highways with lots of rush hour traffic in regions where your target demographic drives. For print, choose magazines or papers that you know your ideal customer reads. For television ads, to capture the most people’s attention choose a network, channel, or event that you know your brand's target demographic watches. These common sense rules are how small products become phenomenal sellers.

T.V., print, and billboard brand awareness strategies have consistently been effective marketing methods through the years. While this brand awareness strategy can be quite expensive and requires significant research to reach the proper audience, it can raise brand awareness quite significantly when executed properly.

3. Display Your Brand Prominently on Your Product

When your brand is prominently displayed on your product, people can recognize your brand and make the proper choice over the competition. This may mean that you may have to use different tactics to stand out from the crowd. Some people may use large fonts or an eye-catching logo to capture the attention of their audience.

Whatever your company decides to do, your brand must embody your company’s principles and quality. If the logo is designed properly, your brand can be recognized without words. Coke, Nike, and Target are three stores that have managed to develop a logo that does not need explanation or words for customers to understand the product or service being offered.

4. Place Your Product Front and Center

You might know that you're offering the best products or services in your industry, but your customer won't, unless you make sure they notice and connect your product. Whether you are selling a service or product on a website or in a store, there are ways of featuring a new or important product in ways that make it hard for the customer to miss.

On your website, use big images and catchy text to drag visitors' eyes to your product. Advertise the product on slider images or sidebars. Send out a notable ad in your e-newsletters. If you're offering your product or service in stores, use signs and displays to draw the eye of your customer. Instruct employees to verbally call attention to your featured products. Really, there are plenty of ideas for directing attention to your brand and products, just start brainstorming and you'll come up with plenty of ideas for brand awareness.

The Art of Building Brand Awareness

When you are building brand awareness, you are improving your prospects and opening more avenues for increasing your revenue. You have to do whatever possible to build brand awareness and sell your product or service to the public. Your brand awareness strategy can make your company profitable or a failure. If you want to ensure that you’re on the winning side of the brand awareness game, take some time to construct a solid marketing strategy.

Building brand awareness not only requires attracting new customers, but keeping the loyal customer enthused enough to keep buying the product or service. It’s important to keep the loyal customer excited about the product or service because it costs less to keep an existing customer than to recruit a new customer.

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