
Freight trucks: what to do in case of an accident

In this article, we will discuss what to do in case of a truck accident. All truck drivers take safety precautions seriously, especially when transporting heavy loads.

However, sometimes accidents occur simply because of external factors and those of the driver. What is done after the accident is very important. Therefore, companies must train staff to know what to do when an accident occurs.

Try to keep calm

It’s normal for stress levels to peak during an accident, regardless of whether you’re just a bystander. You’re probably the only one who knows what to do or not to do in this type of situation, so it’s important to stay calm and calm the other people involved. Taking into account our advice you can make the right decisions.

In case you have an accident, avoid the movement of the vehicle involved in the accident, you need the authorization of the police to carry out such actions. Help people who need help in the event of a car accident, without affecting the work of professionals responsible for assisting people in the event of road accidents.

Secure the spot

It should be noted that it is not a good idea to park your truck behind the victim with the desire to protect him, because if your truck crashes, you will be at fault. A good idea is to place an emergency triangle, in case no one involved in the accident can or does not have one. The proper way to place is to do it 50 meters away from the car that suffered the accident or 100 paces away. This will give drivers clues that something has happened. Thus they will cease.

Call for help

The first reaction in the event of an accident is to request emergency medical help, as the idea is to let the professionals deal with any injured persons, but also to move the vehicle. So, call the rescue, the police, and the fire department.

Get information from witnesses

As a driver, you should politely ask witnesses to the accident for their full name, address, mobile phone number, and license plate number. Remember that the driver’s attitude will greatly influence the witness because if they notice that you are desperate or upset about what happened, they will avoid being part of the problem. If you present yourself respectfully and calmly, it is very likely that he will decide to help you if he is summoned to the police station to give a statement about what happened. This information may help truck accident lawyers to solve your case if it gets escalated.

Notify the company

Not all people react in the same way, some remember certain recommendations, such as keeping calm, asking for information from witnesses, and placing safety triangles on the road so that other drivers know that an accident has occurred. However, if you are a bit nervous, call your trucking company for advice and a step-by-step guide on what to do.

Take lots of pictures

Nowadays, most of you have cell phones with good resolution cameras. The company needs to make sure you know how to take pictures that show the time and date that a certain event took place. That way, you’ll be able to prove that all the damage happened on that date. This is a way to improve your communication with the company and show that you are well trained and know how to proceed in all kinds of cases.

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